¿Por qué corren los políticos?

03 / 12 / 2010 0:00 POR ALBERTO MARTÍN-ARAGÓN
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Zapatero, Cameron, Obama, Sarkozy... Destacados líderes mundiales dedican las primeras horas de su jornada laboral a practicar footing. ¿Casualidad o moda pasajera?


Siete de la mañana. Un hombre delgado, vestido con una sudadera de la selección española y con las piernas embutidas en unas mallas oscuras, trota por las sendas arboladas que recorren las inmediaciones del palacio de la Moncloa. El atleta se llama José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. Velocidad media: 10 kilómetros por hora. El presidente del Gobierno corre acompañado por Bernardino León, secretario general de la Presidencia del Gobierno y un entusiasta del ejercicio corporal. Fuentes gubernamentales admiten que el actual jefe del Ejecutivo hace footing matinal casi a diario, si bien algunos especialistas en el tema albergan sus dudas. Bernardino Lombao, preparador físico de José María Aznar, ha comentado en varias ocasiones que Zapatero no parece un corredor regular, pues no tiene desarrollados los cuádriceps. Sea como fuere, las imágenes del presidente español y del premier británico David Cameron correteando juntos por Seúl han puesto de manifiesto la fiebre que se ha apoderado de determinados líderes por practicar el footing ante los reporteros gráficos.

¿Corren realmente para mimar y pulir sus cuerpos o únicamente lo hacen porque les obsesiona alimentar una reputación de dirigentes sanos, fiables y sólidos? “Confluyen varios factores –explica Daniel Ureña, socio director de MAS Consulting España–. Los políticos, al hacer este tipo de ejercicio, demuestran preocupación por la salud y el bienestar personal, que son valores en alza en los países occidentales. Pero también está el toque humano, el acercamiento a la sociedad. Los dirigentes siempre parecen personas lejanas, que no tienen los pies en la tierra. Es frecuente que recurran a ese tipo de imágenes para tratar de conectar con los ciudadanos, corriendo o dejándose fotografiar con la familia durante las vacaciones”. Por su parte, el filósofo Gustavo Bueno señala que esta moda deportiva responde a una razón bastante primaria y elemental: el narcisismo. “Los gobernantes –arguye– desean mostrar su poder físico. Es cierto que algunos corren por razones médicas, pero muchos de ellos no pueden evitar exhibirse de un modo infantil. Me recuerdan a esas personas incapaces de vivir sin enseñar a la gente las joyas que tienen guardadas. Los líderes hacen footing delante de las cámaras para levantar su autoestima, para sentirse menos débiles, porque tal vez presienten que sus egos son algo diminutos y frágiles. Un político seguro de sí mismo no necesita presumir de vigor. Pero estas personas –Zapatero, Cameron, Obama y otros tantos– son narcisistas y los narcisistas necesitan moverse entre espejos. No me imagino a Napoleón o a Bismarck corriendo por París o Berlín”.

Sin competencia.

Asimismo, Bueno destaca las ventajas mediáticas del footing: la soledad y la individualidad. “Ambas permiten al dirigente sacar pecho a placer, sin tener apenas competencia”. Ureña matiza esta circunstancia: “Está claro que correr es una actividad poco arriesgada en términos de imagen. Pensemos en un político de primera línea jugando, frente a las cámaras de televisión, un partido de fútbol en el que un rival le regatea colándole el balón entre las piernas o en el que el político hace una fea entrada. Al final esa sería la imagen del día y un recuerdo muy fácil para sus adversarios”.

Ahora bien, el director de MAS Consulting España subraya que no hay que exagerar el asunto ni sacar conclusiones precipitadas. “Los líderes corren porque les gusta correr –añade– y simplemente aprovechan mediáticamente sus aficiones para romper un poco con la imagen tradicional que tenemos de ellos. Además, las fotografías de políticos en actividades personales no son una novedad. Las hemos visto desde hace años. Quizás últimamente sean más frecuentes debido al creciente alejamiento entre políticos y ciudadanos que reflejan las encuestas”.

Charlie Beckett, director de Polis, un foro de ideas dependiente de la London School of Economics, sostiene que algunos mandatarios han descubierto las simpatías ciudadanas que pueden atraerse si ofrecen una estampa dinámica y juvenil de atleta de fondo. “A muchos electores –comenta– les agrada ver cómo sus líderes corren por las calles, porque correr es una actividad que les hace parecer más humanos y menos sesudos. Algunos dirigentes se han dado cuenta de ello y tratan de sacarle partido”.

Rivero, a las cinco en pie.

Sin embargo, los políticos desmienten que corran periódicamente para difundir mensajes ideológicos o para obtener algún rédito electoral. Paulino Rivero, presidente de Canarias y tenaz deportista en su tiempo libre, asegura que no busca ningún protagonismo cuando se viste de corto. Según fuentes del Gobierno canario, “Rivero se levanta todos los días a las cinco de la mañana para pasar inadvertido y así poder hacer footing tranquilamente, sin llamar la atención”. Algo parecido le sucede a Tomás Gómez, secretario general del Partido Socialista de Madrid. Gómez realiza sus ejercicios físicos en una impenetrable intimidad. “No desea que se hable de él por ese asunto; le gusta mucho hacer deporte pero no presumir de ello”, explica uno de sus portavoces. Contrasta la discreción de esas personas con el placer exhibicionista de quienes convirtieron sus horas de footing en fotogramas para una película de tipos duros. Es el caso de los ex presidentes George Bush, José María Aznar y Bill Clinton. Precisamente fue Clinton el precursor de esta afición por alardear de potencia en compañía de fornidos escoltas.

En su libro El político, Azorín escribió: “La primera condición de un hombre de Estado es la fortaleza. Su cuerpo ha de ser sano y fuerte. Para estar sano y conservar la fortaleza, ha de amar el campo”. Azorín invitaba así a diputados y senadores a desentumecer los músculos con caminatas por la sierra. Hace un siglo de eso, pero el comentario goza de mucha actualidad. ¿Qué grado de fortaleza alcanzan los líderes gracias al footing? La respuesta no es muy alentadora si nos detenemos, por ejemplo, en la figura proteica de Nicolas Sarkozy, un fanático del ejercicio físico desde que unió su destino al de Carla Bruni. De hecho, tal ha sido su afán por conseguir una figura de varón hercúleo y escultural que llegó a sugerir a algunos miembros de su gabinete que se exprimieran en un gimnasio para perder peso. Sarkozy no quería gordos a su alrededor. Sin embargo, tras meses de frenéticas carreras, el presidente sufrió un bajón de tensión en julio de 2009 y tuvo que ser hospitalizado. Ahora se lo toma con más calma. No obstante, Jean Michel Cohen, prestigioso nutricionista de políticos galos, comentaba recientemente en Le Parisien que el esfuerzo gimnástico de Sarkozy ha calado hondo en sus colegas y ha hecho que el cuidado de la forma física sea asunto de Estado. Todo induce a pensar que los políticos planean correr muchos más kilómetros.

Grupo Zeta Nexica

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Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
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array (
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Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Processing local cache file var/tiempo/cache/statelimitations_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php
Timing: Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Module start 'content'
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
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Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/user-info/1/0/user-data-10.cache.php)[0.001 ms] query number per page:4 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/user-info/1/0/user-data-10.cache.php')

array (
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Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Processing local cache file var/tiempo/cache/user-info/1/0/user-data-10.cache.php
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/user-info/1/0/user-data-10.cache.php' )
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Processing local cache file var/tiempo/cache/user-info/1/0/user-data-10.cache.php
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
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Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Local file (mtime=) is older than timestamp () and ttl(), check with DB
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache)[0.002 ms] query number per page:5 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache')

Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Database file is deleted, need to regenerate data
Debug: dfs::startCacheGeneration( 'var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache' ) <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Starting cache generation
Notice: cluster::mysql::_startCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache )[1 rows, 0.005 ms] query number per page:6 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
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Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 5.010 ms) query number per page:3 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
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                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
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                WHERE node_id = 4012 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.098 ms) query number per page:4 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT id, name, navigation_part_identifier, locale, identifier
                    FROM   ezsection WHERE  id='1'

| id | select_type | table     | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezsection | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.797 ms) query number per page:5 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT remote_id FROM ezcontentobject WHERE id = '4036'

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(3 rows, 2.262 ms) query number per page:6 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:80', 'eznode:4012' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    3 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.171 ms) query number per page:7 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT contentobject_state_id, group_id FROM ezcobj_state_link, ezcobj_state
                    WHERE ezcobj_state.id=ezcobj_state_link.contentobject_state_id AND

| id | select_type | table             | type   | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref                                                     | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcobj_state_link | ref    | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const                                                   |    1 | Using index |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcobj_state      | eq_ref | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcobj_state_link.contentobject_state_id |    1 |             |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.140 ms) query number per page:8 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT l.contentobject_state_id, s.identifier AS state_identifier, g.identifier AS state_group_identifier
                FROM ezcobj_state_link l, ezcobj_state s, ezcobj_state_group g
                WHERE l.contentobject_id=4036 AND
                      s.id=l.contentobject_state_id AND

| id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys                   | key                           | key_len | ref                                     | rows | Extra                          |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | l     | ref    | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY                       |       4 | const                                   |    1 | Using index                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | g     | index  | PRIMARY                         | ezcobj_state_group_identifier |     137 |                                         |    1 | Using index; Using join buffer |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | s     | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcobj_state_identifier | PRIMARY                       |       4 | revista_tiempo.l.contentobject_state_id |    1 | Using where                    |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.748 ms) query number per page:9 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 80 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.281 ms) query number per page:10 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT id, version, serialized_name_list, serialized_description_list, identifier, contentobject_name, url_alias_name,       creator_id, modifier_id, created, remote_id, modified, is_container, always_available,       language_mask, initial_language_id, sort_field, sort_order
                    FROM   ezcontentclass WHERE  id='49' AND version='0' ORDER BY version ASC
LIMIT 0, 2

| id | select_type | table          | type  | possible_keys                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(2 rows, 4.155 ms) query number per page:11 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                             ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                             ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                             ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                             , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                           , ezcontentobject_name 
                      WHERE  node_id IN ( 1, 2, 80 ) and 
                            ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id  AND
                            ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                            ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
                             AND  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      ORDER BY path_string

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | range  | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 |                                                                                             |    3 | Using where; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 |                             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.contentclass_id,const                                        |    1 |                             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                 |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(2 rows, 4.104 ms) query number per page:12 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:80' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    2 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.775 ms) query number per page:13 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT name, content_translation
                 FROM ezcontentobject_name
                 WHERE contentobject_id = '4036'
                       AND content_version = '1'
                       AND ( content_translation = 'esl-ES' OR language_id = '2' )

| id | select_type | table                | type | possible_keys                                                                               | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref  | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id,ezcontentobject_name_lang_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.080 ms) query number per page:14 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT name, content_translation
                 FROM ezcontentobject_name
                 WHERE contentobject_id = '4036'
                       AND content_version = '1'
                       AND ( content_translation = 'esl-ES' OR language_id = '2' )

| id | select_type | table                | type | possible_keys                                                                               | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref  | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id,ezcontentobject_name_lang_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(22 rows, 6.525 ms) query number per page:15 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '4036' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '4036' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |   22 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 2.844 ms) query number per page:16 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezkeyword.keyword FROM ezkeyword_attribute_link, ezkeyword
                                    WHERE ezkeyword_attribute_link.keyword_id=ezkeyword.id AND

| id | select_type | table                    | type   | possible_keys                                                                        | key                      | key_len | ref                                                | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezkeyword_attribute_link | ref    | ezkeyword_attr_link_keyword_id,ezkeyword_attr_link_kid_oaid,ezkeyword_attr_link_oaid | ezkeyword_attr_link_oaid |       4 | const                                              |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezkeyword                | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                              | PRIMARY                  |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezkeyword_attribute_link.keyword_id |    1 |       |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/classidentifiers_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/classidentifiers_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php)[0.004 ms] query number per page:7 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/classidentifiers_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php')

array (
  'datatype' => 'php',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/classidentifiers_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/classidentifiers_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php',
  'name_hash' => 'f685b79f8cd497a52a18e38761631c53',
  'scope' => 'classidentifiers',
  'size' => '2107',
  'mtime' => '1458050874',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Processing local cache file var/tiempo/cache/classidentifiers_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 5.687 ms) query number per page:17 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 4012 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 67 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY  path_string ASC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.714 ms) query number per page:18 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '45288' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    1 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.968 ms) query number per page:19 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                        count( DISTINCT ezcontentobject_tree.node_id ) as count
                       , ezcontentobject_name 
                  WHERE ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 45246 and
                           ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 54 ) AND
                        ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                        ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                        ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                        AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                         AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                                            | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                                    |    1 | Using index |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                                          |    1 | Using where |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                                           |    1 | Using where |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 5.199 ms) query number per page:20 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 45246 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 54 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 5

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.560 ms) query number per page:21 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='4036' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.943 ms) query number per page:22 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT id, serialized_name_list, serialized_description_list, version, contentclass_id, identifier, placement,       is_searchable, is_required, can_translate, is_information_collector, data_type_string, data_int1, data_int2,       data_int3, data_int4, data_float1, data_float2, data_float3, data_float4, data_text1,       data_text2, data_text3, data_text4, data_text5, serialized_data_text, category
                    FROM   ezcontentclass_attribute WHERE  id='347' AND version='0'

| id | select_type | table                    | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.415 ms) query number per page:23 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT id, serialized_name_list, serialized_description_list, version, contentclass_id, identifier, placement,       is_searchable, is_required, can_translate, is_information_collector, data_type_string, data_int1, data_int2,       data_int3, data_int4, data_float1, data_float2, data_float3, data_float4, data_text1,       data_text2, data_text3, data_text4, data_text5, serialized_data_text, category
                    FROM   ezcontentclass_attribute WHERE  id='581' AND version='0'

| id | select_type | table                    | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 4.807 ms) query number per page:24 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT contentobject_id, contentobject_attribute_id, rating_average, rating_count
                    FROM   ezstarrating WHERE  contentobject_id='4036' AND contentobject_attribute_id='46669'

| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      |       |      |               |     |         |     |      | Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 9.736 ms) query number per page:25 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                        count( DISTINCT ezcontentobject_tree.node_id ) as count
                       , ezcontentobject_name 
                  WHERE ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 45246 and
                        ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                        ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                        ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                        AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                         AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |    1 | Using where |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.contentclass_id,const                                        |    1 | Using index |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(3 rows, 3.716 ms) query number per page:26 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:80', 'eznode:4012' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    3 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 5.787 ms) query number per page:27 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT permitir, url FROM comentarios_permitirmoderar WHERE (url LIKE 'espana/%') ORDER BY url DESC

| id | select_type | table                       | type  | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | comentarios_permitirmoderar | range | url           | url |     257 |     |    1 | Using where |
Notice: PHP: E_NOTICE Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Undefined index: permitir in /var/www/html/revistas/extension/web/classes/grupoz.php on line 430
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.613 ms) query number per page:28 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT id, serialized_name_list, serialized_description_list, version, contentclass_id, identifier, placement,       is_searchable, is_required, can_translate, is_information_collector, data_type_string, data_int1, data_int2,       data_int3, data_int4, data_float1, data_float2, data_float3, data_float4, data_text1,       data_text2, data_text3, data_text4, data_text5, serialized_data_text, category
                    FROM   ezcontentclass_attribute WHERE  id='352' AND version='0'

| id | select_type | table                    | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 6.221 ms) query number per page:29 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                        ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list AS class_serialized_name_list,
                        ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                        ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container,
                        ezcontentobject.* , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                        , ezcontentobject_name 
                        ezcontentclass.id=ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                        ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                        ezcontentobject.status=1 AND
                         AND contentclassattribute_id=291  AND ( relation_type & 8 ) <> 0 
                         AND ezcontentobject.id=ezcontentobject_link.from_contentobject_id AND
                                                                      ezcontentobject_link.to_contentobject_id=4036 AND
                         AND ezcontentobject.id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id AND
                                 ezcontentobject.current_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version AND 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                         ORDER BY ezcontentobject_name.name ASC

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                                         | key                | key_len | ref                                                                                                      | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_link | ref    | ezco_link_from,ezco_link_to_co_id                                                     | ezco_link_to_co_id |       4 | const                                                                                                    |    1 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid,ezcontentobject_currentversion,ezcontentobject_status | PRIMARY            |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_link.from_contentobject_id                                                |    1 | Using where                                  |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                                        | PRIMARY            |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.contentclass_id,const                                                     |    1 |                                              |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id                        | PRIMARY            |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_link.from_contentobject_id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.current_version |    1 | Using where                                  |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.028 ms) query number per page:30 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='4037' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 4.380 ms) query number per page:31 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '4037' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '4037' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.329 ms) query number per page:32 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT id, serialized_name_list, serialized_description_list, version, contentclass_id, identifier, placement,       is_searchable, is_required, can_translate, is_information_collector, data_type_string, data_int1, data_int2,       data_int3, data_int4, data_float1, data_float2, data_float3, data_float4, data_text1,       data_text2, data_text3, data_text4, data_text5, serialized_data_text, category
                    FROM   ezcontentclass_attribute WHERE  id='393' AND version='0'

| id | select_type | table                    | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:8 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos.jpg',
  1 => '1299576763',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:9 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos.jpg',
  'name_hash' => 'cff59bf822df2c9afdf248972c1dffe2',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '6265',
  'mtime' => '1299576763',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_bloque_articulo.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_bloque_articulo.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_bloque_articulo.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:10 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_bloque_articulo.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_bloque_articulo.jpg',
  1 => '1458092232',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_bloque_articulo.jpg)[0.002 ms] query number per page:11 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_bloque_articulo.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_bloque_articulo.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_bloque_articulo.jpg',
  'name_hash' => 'ae172ffbeeb4d1d29e788e0f711d0b78',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '5378',
  'mtime' => '1458092232',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_detalle_articulo.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_detalle_articulo.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_detalle_articulo.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:12 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_detalle_articulo.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_detalle_articulo.jpg',
  1 => '1457640732',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_detalle_articulo.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:13 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_detalle_articulo.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_detalle_articulo.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_detalle_articulo.jpg',
  'name_hash' => 'f1bda16e7e71f48f812b6f837bf3ba9b',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '20602',
  'mtime' => '1457640732',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_listado_articulos.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_listado_articulos.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_listado_articulos.jpg)[0.002 ms] query number per page:14 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_listado_articulos.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_listado_articulos.jpg',
  1 => '1453287567',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_listado_articulos.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:15 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_listado_articulos.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_listado_articulos.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/por-que-corren-los-politicos/46673-1-esl-ES/por-que-corren-los-politicos_listado_articulos.jpg',
  'name_hash' => '2eb2fe9626b6b1198ed15627d8f0315c',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '9486',
  'mtime' => '1453287567',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 2.062 ms) query number per page:33 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezkeyword.keyword FROM ezkeyword_attribute_link, ezkeyword
                                    WHERE ezkeyword_attribute_link.keyword_id=ezkeyword.id AND

| id | select_type | table                    | type   | possible_keys                                                                        | key                      | key_len | ref                                                | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezkeyword_attribute_link | ref    | ezkeyword_attr_link_keyword_id,ezkeyword_attr_link_kid_oaid,ezkeyword_attr_link_oaid | ezkeyword_attr_link_oaid |       4 | const                                              |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezkeyword                | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                              | PRIMARY                  |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezkeyword_attribute_link.keyword_id |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(3 rows, 3.016 ms) query number per page:34 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:80', 'eznode:4012' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    3 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(3 rows, 2.460 ms) query number per page:35 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:80', 'eznode:4012' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    3 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(3 rows, 2.486 ms) query number per page:36 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:80', 'eznode:4012' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    3 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(3 rows, 2.094 ms) query number per page:37 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:80', 'eznode:4012' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    3 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.661 ms) query number per page:38 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT url,codigo FROM publicidad_codes WHERE tipo = 10 ORDER BY url DESC

| id | select_type | table            | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | publicidad_codes | ref  | tipo          | tipo |       4 | const |    1 | Using where; Using filesort |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(3 rows, 2.397 ms) query number per page:39 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:80', 'eznode:4012' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    3 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 3.394 ms) query number per page:40 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT permitir, url FROM comentarios_permitirmoderar WHERE (url LIKE 'espana/%') ORDER BY url DESC

| id | select_type | table                       | type  | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | comentarios_permitirmoderar | range | url           | url |     257 |     |    1 | Using where |
Notice: PHP: E_NOTICE Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Undefined index: permitir in /var/www/html/revistas/extension/web/classes/grupoz.php on line 430
Error: eZTemplate:ezhttp Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Unknown session variable 'formulario_comentario'
Warning: PHP: E_DEPRECATED Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Function session_unregister() is deprecated in /var/www/html/revistas/extension/borrarSesion/classes/borrarSesion.php on line 6
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(3 rows, 2.845 ms) query number per page:41 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:80', 'eznode:4012' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    3 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.751 ms) query number per page:42 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT l.contentobject_state_id, s.identifier AS state_identifier, g.identifier AS state_group_identifier
                FROM ezcobj_state_link l, ezcobj_state s, ezcobj_state_group g
                WHERE l.contentobject_id=4036 AND
                      s.id=l.contentobject_state_id AND

| id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys                   | key                           | key_len | ref                                     | rows | Extra                          |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | l     | ref    | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY                       |       4 | const                                   |    1 | Using index                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | g     | index  | PRIMARY                         | ezcobj_state_group_identifier |     137 |                                         |    1 | Using index; Using join buffer |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | s     | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcobj_state_identifier | PRIMARY                       |       4 | revista_tiempo.l.contentobject_state_id |    1 | Using where                    |
Debug: dfs::checkCacheGenerationTimeout( 'var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache.generating' ) <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Checking cache generation timeout
Notice: cluster::mysql::_checkCacheGenerationTimeout( var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache.generating, 1458158689 )[0 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:16 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
UPDATE ezdfsfile SET mtime = 1458158689 WHERE name_hash = MD5('var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache.generating') AND mtime = 1458158689
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::storeContents( 'var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache.generating' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_storeContents(var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache.generating, ..., viewcache, misc)::_begin[0 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:17 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Notice: cluster::mysql::_storeContents(var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache.generating, ..., viewcache, misc)[2 rows, 0.003 ms] query number per page:18 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
INSERT INTO ezdfsfile (datatype, name, name_trunk, name_hash, scope, size, mtime, expired) VALUES ('misc', 'var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache.generating', 'var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-', '3e7e940ecea2b8a639273bb30fb38e32', 'viewcache', 22336, 1458158689, 0)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE datatype=VALUES(datatype), name_trunk='var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-', scope=VALUES(scope), size=VALUES(size), mtime=VALUES(mtime), expired=VALUES(expired)
Notice: cluster::mysql::_storeContents(var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache.generating, ..., viewcache, misc)::_commit[0 rows, 0.002 ms] query number per page:19 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Debug: dfs::endCacheGeneration( 'var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache' ) <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Ending cache generation
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache )::_begin[0 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:20 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache )[1 rows, 0.002 ms] query number per page:21 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache.generating') FOR UPDATE
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache )[0 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:22 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache') FOR UPDATE
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache )[1 rows, 0.002 ms] query number per page:23 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
INSERT INTO ezdfsfile ( datatype, name, name_trunk, name_hash, scope, size, mtime, expired ) VALUES( 'misc', 'var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache', 'var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-', 'b32de9b90f61cdea1b905bc7f9953687', 'viewcache', '22336', '1458158689', '0')
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
eZClusterFileHandler::cleanupEmptyDirectories( '/ocfsmount/revistas_data/revistas_var/var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache )[1 rows, 0.002 ms] query number per page:24 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
DELETE FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache.generating')
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache )::_commit[0 rows, 0.003 ms] query number per page:25 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Debug: dfs::storeCache( 'var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/4/0/4012-8b732f64704b633998af46330b27f285.cache' ) <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Creating local copy of the file
Timing: Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Module end 'content'
Debug: ezpI18n::translateText Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Missing translation for message in context: 'kernel/navigationpart' with comment: 'Navigation part'. The untranslated message is: 'eZFind'
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 2.362 ms) query number per page:43 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT url, permiso, padre FROM permisos WHERE url LIKE 'espana/%' ORDER BY url DESC

| id | select_type | table    | type  | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | permisos | range | url           | url |     767 |     |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.368 ms) query number per page:44 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 2 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.817 ms) query number per page:45 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT id, section_id, owner_id, contentclass_id, name, published, modified,       current_version, status, remote_id, language_mask, initial_language_id
                    FROM   ezcontentobject WHERE  contentclass_id='15' ORDER BY id ASC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table           | type | possible_keys           | key                     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | ref  | ezcontentobject_classid | ezcontentobject_classid |       4 | const |    1 | Using where |
Warning: ezjscPacker::packFiles Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Could not find: stylesheets/ezflow.css
Warning: ezjscPacker::packFiles Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Could not find: javascript/taptap/jquery.jsmovie.1.4.2.min.js
Warning: ezjscPacker::packFiles Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Could not find: javascript/taptap/adLibrary.min.js
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/1/8/4/1849436825.cache' )
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Local file (mtime=1457780820) is older than timestamp () and ttl(86400), check with DB
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/1/8/4/1849436825.cache)[0.001 ms] query number per page:26 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/1/8/4/1849436825.cache')

array (
  'datatype' => 'misc',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/1/8/4/1849436825.cache',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/1/8/4/1849436825.cache',
  'name_hash' => '5a73b7b55f73e878131f215924eb1431',
  'scope' => 'template-block',
  'size' => '549',
  'mtime' => '1458150368',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Callback from DB file var/tiempo/cache/template-block/1/8/4/1849436825.cache
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::fileFetch( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/1/8/4/1849436825.cache' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/1/8/4/1849436825.cache)[0.001 ms] query number per page:27 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/1/8/4/1849436825.cache')

array (
  'datatype' => 'misc',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/1/8/4/1849436825.cache',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/1/8/4/1849436825.cache',
  'name_hash' => '5a73b7b55f73e878131f215924eb1431',
  'scope' => 'template-block',
  'size' => '549',
  'mtime' => '1458150368',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.081 ms) query number per page:46 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='10' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache' )
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Local file (mtime=1457780821) is older than timestamp () and ttl(7200), check with DB
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache)[0.001 ms] query number per page:28 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache')

array (
  'datatype' => 'misc',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache',
  'name_hash' => 'e5c17f31c3a4dbd340a2cd6129a04c07',
  'scope' => 'template-block',
  'size' => '1640',
  'mtime' => '1458150368',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Database file is deleted, need to regenerate data
Debug: dfs::startCacheGeneration( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache' ) <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Starting cache generation
Notice: cluster::mysql::_startCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache )[1 rows, 0.007 ms] query number per page:29 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
INSERT INTO ezdfsfile ( name, name_trunk, name_hash, scope, datatype, mtime, expired ) VALUES('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache.generating', 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache.generating', MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache.generating'), '', '', 1458158689, 0)
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(4 rows, 3.139 ms) query number per page:47 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT url,codigo FROM publicidad_codes WHERE tipo = 0 ORDER BY url DESC

| id | select_type | table            | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | publicidad_codes | ref  | tipo          | tipo |       4 | const |    4 | Using where; Using filesort |
Error: eZModuleFunctionInfo::loadDefinition Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Missing function definition file for module: usuario
Error: eZFunctionHandler::execute Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Cannot execute function 'name' in module 'usuario', no valid data
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/classattributeidentifiers_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/classattributeidentifiers_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php)[0.002 ms] query number per page:30 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/classattributeidentifiers_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php')

array (
  'datatype' => 'php',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/classattributeidentifiers_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/classattributeidentifiers_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php',
  'name_hash' => '9e88ffb02100d5b4361aa21bec043196',
  'scope' => 'classattridentifiers',
  'size' => '15166',
  'mtime' => '1458050870',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Processing local cache file var/tiempo/cache/classattributeidentifiers_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/sortkey_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/sortkey_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php)[0.001 ms] query number per page:31 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/sortkey_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php')

array (
  'datatype' => 'php',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/sortkey_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/sortkey_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php',
  'name_hash' => '5464cb63973a9167637a3a9ed0b126e0',
  'scope' => 'sortkey',
  'size' => '14357',
  'mtime' => '1458050872',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Processing local cache file var/tiempo/cache/sortkey_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/sortkey_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php' )
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Processing local cache file var/tiempo/cache/sortkey_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.939 ms) query number per page:48 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 2 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 75.233 ms) query number per page:49 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                       , a0.sort_key_int
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      , ezcontentobject_attribute a0
                       ezcontentobject_tree.path_string like '/1/2/%' and  
                                   a0.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id AND
                                   a0.contentclassattribute_id = 441 AND
                                   a0.version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version AND
 ( a0.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & a0.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & a0.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( a0.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( a0.language_id & 2 ) )
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.node_id != 2 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 62 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY a0.sort_key_int DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                                            | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                                                      | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                                           | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | const,const                                                                                              |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                                          | ezcontentobject_classid                       |       4 | const                                                                                                    |  515 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_path                             | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                    |       5 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id                                                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id                           | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version              |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | a0                   | ref   | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_name.content_version |    9 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 9.352 ms) query number per page:50 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '107826' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.822 ms) query number per page:51 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='107826' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.211 ms) query number per page:52 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT id, serialized_name_list, serialized_description_list, version, contentclass_id, identifier, placement,       is_searchable, is_required, can_translate, is_information_collector, data_type_string, data_int1, data_int2,       data_int3, data_int4, data_float1, data_float2, data_float3, data_float4, data_text1,       data_text2, data_text3, data_text4, data_text5, serialized_data_text, category
                    FROM   ezcontentclass_attribute WHERE  id='437' AND version='0'

| id | select_type | table                    | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(3 rows, 2.516 ms) query number per page:53 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:98394', 'eznode:107584' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    3 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.520 ms) query number per page:54 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 107585 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(3 rows, 2.286 ms) query number per page:55 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:98394', 'eznode:107584' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    3 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 3.795 ms) query number per page:56 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '107827' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '107827' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738.jpg)[0.002 ms] query number per page:32 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738.jpg',
  1 => '1457683589',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:33 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738.jpg',
  'name_hash' => '9e2d3f6ea0b9b3e2bae8ca376862cb37',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '2091365',
  'mtime' => '1457683589',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_sumariobloque_tiempo.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_sumariobloque_tiempo.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_sumariobloque_tiempo.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:34 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_sumariobloque_tiempo.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_sumariobloque_tiempo.jpg',
  1 => '1458050880',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_sumariobloque_tiempo.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:35 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_sumariobloque_tiempo.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_sumariobloque_tiempo.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_sumariobloque_tiempo.jpg',
  'name_hash' => 'db61d8d20c143bc112e7982e7864039f',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '31718',
  'mtime' => '1458050880',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_sumario.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_sumario.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_sumario.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:36 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_sumario.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_sumario.jpg',
  1 => '1458051708',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_sumario.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:37 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_sumario.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_sumario.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_sumario.jpg',
  'name_hash' => '5bc6871f0cd8374461f7163f38371571',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '107577',
  'mtime' => '1458051708',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_bloque_articulo.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_bloque_articulo.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_bloque_articulo.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:38 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_bloque_articulo.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_bloque_articulo.jpg',
  1 => '1458056869',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_bloque_articulo.jpg)[0.003 ms] query number per page:39 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_bloque_articulo.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_bloque_articulo.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/numero-1738/1080449-1-esl-ES/numero-1738_bloque_articulo.jpg',
  'name_hash' => 'd45468b8fa15deb7e44fe74bbd2baa06',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '34820',
  'mtime' => '1458056869',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: dfs::checkCacheGenerationTimeout( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache.generating' ) <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Checking cache generation timeout
Notice: cluster::mysql::_checkCacheGenerationTimeout( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache.generating, 1458158689 )[1 rows, 0.024 ms] query number per page:40 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
UPDATE ezdfsfile SET mtime = 1458158690 WHERE name_hash = MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache.generating') AND mtime = 1458158689
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::storeContents( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache.generating' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_storeContents(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache.generating, ..., template-block, misc)::_begin[0 rows, 0.002 ms] query number per page:41 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Notice: cluster::mysql::_storeContents(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache.generating, ..., template-block, misc)[2 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:42 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
INSERT INTO ezdfsfile (datatype, name, name_trunk, name_hash, scope, size, mtime, expired) VALUES ('misc', 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache.generating', 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache.generating', '764ea085345207fa91b37dcd887986df', 'template-block', 1640, 1458158690, 0)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE datatype=VALUES(datatype), name_trunk='var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache.generating', scope=VALUES(scope), size=VALUES(size), mtime=VALUES(mtime), expired=VALUES(expired)
Notice: cluster::mysql::_storeContents(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache.generating, ..., template-block, misc)::_commit[0 rows, 0.005 ms] query number per page:43 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Debug: dfs::endCacheGeneration( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache' ) <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Ending cache generation
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache )::_begin[0 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:44 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache )[1 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:45 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache.generating') FOR UPDATE
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache )[1 rows, 0.002 ms] query number per page:46 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache') FOR UPDATE
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
eZClusterFileHandler::cleanupEmptyDirectories( '/ocfsmount/revistas_data/revistas_var/var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache )[1 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:47 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
UPDATE ezdfsfile SET mtime = '1458158690', expired = 0, size = '1640' WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache')
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache )[1 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:48 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
DELETE FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache.generating')
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache )::_commit[0 rows, 0.004 ms] query number per page:49 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Debug: dfs::storeCache( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/1/0/4107391063.cache' ) <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Creating local copy of the file
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/3/4/0/3403941913.cache' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/3/4/0/3403941913.cache)[0.001 ms] query number per page:50 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/3/4/0/3403941913.cache')

array (
  'datatype' => 'misc',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/3/4/0/3403941913.cache',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/3/4/0/3403941913.cache',
  'name_hash' => 'fc6c4c04233f5a35ad1954a3c2a0ef9b',
  'scope' => 'template-block',
  'size' => '4006',
  'mtime' => '1458152053',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Processing local cache file var/tiempo/cache/template-block/3/4/0/3403941913.cache
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/3/9/2397866404.cache' )
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Local file (mtime=1457780821) is older than timestamp () and ttl(86400), check with DB
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/3/9/2397866404.cache)[0.001 ms] query number per page:51 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/3/9/2397866404.cache')

array (
  'datatype' => 'misc',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/3/9/2397866404.cache',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/3/9/2397866404.cache',
  'name_hash' => 'eb7cfd92fb335f95407cdfe02d66acac',
  'scope' => 'template-block',
  'size' => '1437',
  'mtime' => '1458150368',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Callback from DB file var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/3/9/2397866404.cache
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::fileFetch( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/3/9/2397866404.cache' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/3/9/2397866404.cache)[0.001 ms] query number per page:52 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/3/9/2397866404.cache')

array (
  'datatype' => 'misc',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/3/9/2397866404.cache',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/3/9/2397866404.cache',
  'name_hash' => 'eb7cfd92fb335f95407cdfe02d66acac',
  'scope' => 'template-block',
  'size' => '1437',
  'mtime' => '1458150368',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.336 ms) query number per page:57 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT id, section_id, owner_id, contentclass_id, name, published, modified,       current_version, status, remote_id, language_mask, initial_language_id
                    FROM   ezcontentobject WHERE  contentclass_id='15' ORDER BY id ASC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table           | type | possible_keys           | key                     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | ref  | ezcontentobject_classid | ezcontentobject_classid |       4 | const |    1 | Using where |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache' )
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.679 ms) query number per page:58 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT modified_subnode FROM ezcontentobject_tree WHERE node_id=2

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Local file (mtime=1457780821) is older than timestamp (1458128207) and ttl(7200), check with DB
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache)[0.001 ms] query number per page:53 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache')

array (
  'datatype' => 'misc',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/',
  'name_hash' => 'bb6420faaa04d8b9dccbdf23f826034c',
  'scope' => 'template-block',
  'size' => '226',
  'mtime' => '1458150368',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Database file is deleted, need to regenerate data
Debug: dfs::startCacheGeneration( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache' ) <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Starting cache generation
Notice: cluster::mysql::_startCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache )[1 rows, 0.003 ms] query number per page:54 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
INSERT INTO ezdfsfile ( name, name_trunk, name_hash, scope, datatype, mtime, expired ) VALUES('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache.generating', 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache.generating', MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache.generating'), '', '', 1458158690, 0)
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.555 ms) query number per page:59 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 2 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.396 ms) query number per page:60 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 80 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.578 ms) query number per page:61 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 4012 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Debug: dfs::checkCacheGenerationTimeout( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache.generating' ) <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Checking cache generation timeout
Notice: cluster::mysql::_checkCacheGenerationTimeout( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache.generating, 1458158690 )[0 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:55 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
UPDATE ezdfsfile SET mtime = 1458158690 WHERE name_hash = MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache.generating') AND mtime = 1458158690
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::storeContents( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache.generating' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_storeContents(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache.generating, ..., template-block, misc)::_begin[0 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:56 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Notice: cluster::mysql::_storeContents(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache.generating, ..., template-block, misc)[2 rows, 0.002 ms] query number per page:57 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
INSERT INTO ezdfsfile (datatype, name, name_trunk, name_hash, scope, size, mtime, expired) VALUES ('misc', 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache.generating', 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/', '1728fc217c5533446f6a117dd2ea7e12', 'template-block', 226, 1458158690, 0)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE datatype=VALUES(datatype), name_trunk='var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/', scope=VALUES(scope), size=VALUES(size), mtime=VALUES(mtime), expired=VALUES(expired)
Notice: cluster::mysql::_storeContents(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache.generating, ..., template-block, misc)::_commit[0 rows, 0.004 ms] query number per page:58 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Debug: dfs::endCacheGeneration( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache' ) <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Ending cache generation
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache )::_begin[0 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:59 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache )[1 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:60 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache.generating') FOR UPDATE
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache )[1 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:61 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache') FOR UPDATE
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
eZClusterFileHandler::cleanupEmptyDirectories( '/ocfsmount/revistas_data/revistas_var/var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache )[1 rows, 0.002 ms] query number per page:62 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
UPDATE ezdfsfile SET mtime = '1458158690', expired = 0, size = '226' WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache')
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache )[1 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:63 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
DELETE FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache.generating')
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache )::_commit[0 rows, 0.002 ms] query number per page:64 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Debug: dfs::storeCache( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/1/8/0/1808458170.cache' ) <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Creating local copy of the file
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.337 ms) query number per page:62 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT id, section_id, owner_id, contentclass_id, name, published, modified,       current_version, status, remote_id, language_mask, initial_language_id
                    FROM   ezcontentobject WHERE  contentclass_id='15' ORDER BY id ASC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table           | type | possible_keys           | key                     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | ref  | ezcontentobject_classid | ezcontentobject_classid |       4 | const |    1 | Using where |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache' )
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Local file (mtime=1457780825) is older than timestamp (1458154533) and ttl(1800), check with DB
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache)[0.001 ms] query number per page:65 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache')

array (
  'datatype' => 'misc',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache',
  'name_hash' => 'bb7e4d2a8b4b01ce673aa0dca977418c',
  'scope' => 'template-block',
  'size' => '67781',
  'mtime' => '1458150374',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Database file is deleted, need to regenerate data
Debug: dfs::startCacheGeneration( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache' ) <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Starting cache generation
Notice: cluster::mysql::_startCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache )[1 rows, 0.004 ms] query number per page:66 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
INSERT INTO ezdfsfile ( name, name_trunk, name_hash, scope, datatype, mtime, expired ) VALUES('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache.generating', 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache.generating', MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache.generating'), '', '', 1458158690, 0)
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.307 ms) query number per page:63 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 4012 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.415 ms) query number per page:64 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 4012 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.719 ms) query number per page:65 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 80 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/templates/parts/blocks.tpl:6[1] Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Variable 'nodo' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.948 ms) query number per page:66 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 80 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(6 rows, 4.369 ms) query number per page:67 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '81' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '299' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '81' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '299' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    6 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.310 ms) query number per page:68 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 2 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/templates/parts/blocks.tpl:6[1] Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Variable 'nodo' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.960 ms) query number per page:69 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 2 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(13 rows, 5.273 ms) query number per page:70 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '60' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '10653' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '60' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '10653' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |   13 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.653 ms) query number per page:71 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 4012 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(4 rows, 2.858 ms) query number per page:72 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT url,codigo FROM publicidad_codes WHERE tipo = 1 ORDER BY url DESC

| id | select_type | table            | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | publicidad_codes | ref  | tipo          | tipo |       4 | const |    4 | Using where; Using filesort |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.120 ms) query number per page:73 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                                        FROM ezm_pool, ezcontentobject_tree
                                        WHERE ezm_pool.block_id='80e7343f831d61b7cdecbbe6fb13fc08'
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_visible>0
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_hidden=0
                                          AND ezcontentobject_tree.node_id = ezm_pool.node_id
                                        ORDER BY ezm_pool.priority DESC

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                     | key     | key_len | ref                             | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezm_pool             | ref    | PRIMARY,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_publication__priority,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_visible,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_hidden | PRIMARY |      96 | const                           |    1 | Using where; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                           | PRIMARY |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezm_pool.node_id |    1 | Using where                 |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.970 ms) query number per page:74 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 74778 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(2 rows, 4.260 ms) query number per page:75 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '74641' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '3' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '74641' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '3' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    2 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.803 ms) query number per page:76 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT * FROM ezurl WHERE id IN ( 2505 )

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.950 ms) query number per page:77 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list, ezcontentobject.* , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                         , ezcontentobject_name 
                         ezcontentclass.id=ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.id IN ( 99780 )
                          and  ezcontentobject.id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject.current_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid,ezcontentobject_currentversion | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | ref   | PRIMARY                                                        | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.139 ms) query number per page:78 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT contentobject_state_id, group_id FROM ezcobj_state_link, ezcobj_state
                    WHERE ezcobj_state.id=ezcobj_state_link.contentobject_state_id AND

| id | select_type | table             | type   | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref                                                     | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcobj_state_link | ref    | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const                                                   |    1 | Using index |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcobj_state      | eq_ref | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcobj_state_link.contentobject_state_id |    1 |             |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.224 ms) query number per page:79 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT l.contentobject_state_id, s.identifier AS state_identifier, g.identifier AS state_group_identifier
                FROM ezcobj_state_link l, ezcobj_state s, ezcobj_state_group g
                WHERE l.contentobject_id=99780 AND
                      s.id=l.contentobject_state_id AND

| id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys                   | key                           | key_len | ref                                     | rows | Extra                          |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | l     | ref    | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY                       |       4 | const                                   |    1 | Using index                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | g     | index  | PRIMARY                         | ezcobj_state_group_identifier |     137 |                                         |    1 | Using index; Using join buffer |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | s     | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcobj_state_identifier | PRIMARY                       |       4 | revista_tiempo.l.contentobject_state_id |    1 | Using where                    |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 4.486 ms) query number per page:80 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '99780' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '2' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '99780' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '2' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-pdf-tiempo-ok/875745-2-esl-ES/boton-pdf-tiempo-ok.gif' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-pdf-tiempo-ok/875745-2-esl-ES/boton-pdf-tiempo-ok.gif' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-pdf-tiempo-ok/875745-2-esl-ES/boton-pdf-tiempo-ok.gif)[0.001 ms] query number per page:67 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-pdf-tiempo-ok/875745-2-esl-ES/boton-pdf-tiempo-ok.gif')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-pdf-tiempo-ok/875745-2-esl-ES/boton-pdf-tiempo-ok.gif',
  1 => '1429701765',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-pdf-tiempo-ok/875745-2-esl-ES/boton-pdf-tiempo-ok.gif)[0.001 ms] query number per page:68 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-pdf-tiempo-ok/875745-2-esl-ES/boton-pdf-tiempo-ok.gif')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/gif',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-pdf-tiempo-ok/875745-2-esl-ES/boton-pdf-tiempo-ok.gif',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-pdf-tiempo-ok/875745-2-esl-ES/boton-pdf-tiempo-ok.gif',
  'name_hash' => '7115eb3eba6b48efe124ac20b73e4f79',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '21083',
  'mtime' => '1429701765',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.114 ms) query number per page:81 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT name, content_translation
                 FROM ezcontentobject_name
                 WHERE contentobject_id = '99780'
                       AND content_version = '2'
                       AND ( content_translation = 'esl-ES' OR language_id = '2' )

| id | select_type | table                | type | possible_keys                                                                               | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref  | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id,ezcontentobject_name_lang_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 3.253 ms) query number per page:82 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                                        FROM ezm_pool, ezcontentobject_tree
                                        WHERE ezm_pool.block_id='5d5ac5c8890de6120ba3b1cb666882a2'
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_visible>0
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_hidden=0
                                          AND ezcontentobject_tree.node_id = ezm_pool.node_id
                                        ORDER BY ezm_pool.priority DESC

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                     | key     | key_len | ref                             | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezm_pool             | ref    | PRIMARY,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_publication__priority,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_visible,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_hidden | PRIMARY |      96 | const                           |    1 | Using where; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                           | PRIMARY |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezm_pool.node_id |    1 | Using where                 |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(2 rows, 2.372 ms) query number per page:83 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT url,codigo FROM publicidad_codes WHERE tipo = 2 ORDER BY url DESC

| id | select_type | table            | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | publicidad_codes | ref  | tipo          | tipo |       4 | const |    2 | Using where; Using filesort |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.983 ms) query number per page:84 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                                        FROM ezm_pool, ezcontentobject_tree
                                        WHERE ezm_pool.block_id='9ed368621386e418ffd90dc6751c2bb0'
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_visible>0
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_hidden=0
                                          AND ezcontentobject_tree.node_id = ezm_pool.node_id
                                        ORDER BY ezm_pool.priority DESC

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                     | key     | key_len | ref                             | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezm_pool             | ref    | PRIMARY,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_publication__priority,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_visible,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_hidden | PRIMARY |      96 | const                           |    1 | Using where; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                           | PRIMARY |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezm_pool.node_id |    1 | Using where                 |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.063 ms) query number per page:85 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 102340 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(2 rows, 4.518 ms) query number per page:86 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '102505' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '2' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '102505' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '2' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    2 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.581 ms) query number per page:87 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT * FROM ezurl WHERE id IN ( 3782 )

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.950 ms) query number per page:88 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list, ezcontentobject.* , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                         , ezcontentobject_name 
                         ezcontentclass.id=ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.id IN ( 102506 )
                          and  ezcontentobject.id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject.current_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid,ezcontentobject_currentversion | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | ref   | PRIMARY                                                        | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.115 ms) query number per page:89 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT contentobject_state_id, group_id FROM ezcobj_state_link, ezcobj_state
                    WHERE ezcobj_state.id=ezcobj_state_link.contentobject_state_id AND

| id | select_type | table             | type   | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref                                                     | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcobj_state_link | ref    | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const                                                   |    1 | Using index |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcobj_state      | eq_ref | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcobj_state_link.contentobject_state_id |    1 |             |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.770 ms) query number per page:90 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT l.contentobject_state_id, s.identifier AS state_identifier, g.identifier AS state_group_identifier
                FROM ezcobj_state_link l, ezcobj_state s, ezcobj_state_group g
                WHERE l.contentobject_id=102506 AND
                      s.id=l.contentobject_state_id AND

| id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys                   | key                           | key_len | ref                                     | rows | Extra                          |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | l     | ref    | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY                       |       4 | const                                   |    1 | Using index                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | g     | index  | PRIMARY                         | ezcobj_state_group_identifier |     137 |                                         |    1 | Using index; Using join buffer |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | s     | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcobj_state_identifier | PRIMARY                       |       4 | revista_tiempo.l.contentobject_state_id |    1 | Using where                    |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 4.083 ms) query number per page:91 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '102506' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '102506' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:69 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia.jpg',
  1 => '1438256925',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:70 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia.jpg',
  'name_hash' => 'dcf4927f932d52e217fa0326caec54ab',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '17997',
  'mtime' => '1438256925',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_small.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_small.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_small.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:71 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_small.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_small.jpg',
  1 => '1438256929',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_small.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:72 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_small.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_small.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_small.jpg',
  'name_hash' => '2c672fc5f7c7b581637e8baaaa427205',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '4423',
  'mtime' => '1438256929',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_medium.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_medium.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_medium.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:73 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_medium.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_medium.jpg',
  1 => '1438850111',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_medium.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:74 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_medium.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_medium.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_medium.jpg',
  'name_hash' => 'efdba953a695f89f61a61cc19f719487',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '12764',
  'mtime' => '1438850111',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_large.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_large.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_large.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:75 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_large.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_large.jpg',
  1 => '1438850031',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_large.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:76 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_large.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_large.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/boton-especial-gastronomia/965432-1-esl-ES/boton-especial-gastronomia_large.jpg',
  'name_hash' => 'e20dbd39c57d676865aad28c81f0ab9e',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '20562',
  'mtime' => '1438850031',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.979 ms) query number per page:92 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT name, content_translation
                 FROM ezcontentobject_name
                 WHERE contentobject_id = '102506'
                       AND content_version = '1'
                       AND ( content_translation = 'esl-ES' OR language_id = '2' )

| id | select_type | table                | type | possible_keys                                                                               | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref  | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id,ezcontentobject_name_lang_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 5.254 ms) query number per page:93 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                                        FROM ezm_pool, ezcontentobject_tree
                                        WHERE ezm_pool.block_id='73fe7c646a4242af5cbb51a68b981c66'
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_visible>0
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_hidden=0
                                          AND ezcontentobject_tree.node_id = ezm_pool.node_id
                                        ORDER BY ezm_pool.priority DESC

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                     | key     | key_len | ref                             | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezm_pool             | ref    | PRIMARY,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_publication__priority,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_visible,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_hidden | PRIMARY |      96 | const                           |    1 | Using where; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                           | PRIMARY |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezm_pool.node_id |    1 | Using where                 |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(26 rows, 6.981 ms) query number per page:94 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 69 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 71 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject_tree.priority DESC

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   31 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.353 ms) query number per page:95 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 69 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(2209 rows, 206.917 ms) query number per page:96 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                       ezcontentobject_tree.path_string like '/1/2/69/%' and  ezcontentobject_tree.depth <= 4  and  
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.node_id != 69 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                                           | key                        | key_len | ref                                                                                                            | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                                          | PRIMARY                    |       8 | const,const                                                                                                    |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                                         | ezcontentobject_classid    |       4 | const                                                                                                          | 2754 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_depth,ezcontentobject_tree_path | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id |       5 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id                                                                              |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id                          | PRIMARY                    |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.642 ms) query number per page:97 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 79756 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.495 ms) query number per page:98 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 48980 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.627 ms) query number per page:99 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 100884 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.328 ms) query number per page:100 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 56717 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.170 ms) query number per page:101 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 74315 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.955 ms) query number per page:102 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 84893 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.386 ms) query number per page:103 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 48981 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.251 ms) query number per page:104 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 48983 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.148 ms) query number per page:105 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 48976 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.755 ms) query number per page:106 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 50873 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.468 ms) query number per page:107 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 48977 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.948 ms) query number per page:108 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 50872 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.020 ms) query number per page:109 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 100721 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.025 ms) query number per page:110 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 48982 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.058 ms) query number per page:111 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 75852 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.588 ms) query number per page:112 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 57157 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.069 ms) query number per page:113 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 48984 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.378 ms) query number per page:114 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 50853 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.176 ms) query number per page:115 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 50866 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.102 ms) query number per page:116 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 76995 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.143 ms) query number per page:117 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 54372 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.155 ms) query number per page:118 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 48978 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.931 ms) query number per page:119 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 56386 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.867 ms) query number per page:120 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 50859 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 5.676 ms) query number per page:121 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 100884 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   19 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 5.211 ms) query number per page:122 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '107914' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 20.383 ms) query number per page:123 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 56717 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |  212 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 4.860 ms) query number per page:124 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '107882' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 5.025 ms) query number per page:125 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 74315 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   22 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 4.141 ms) query number per page:126 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '107714' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 10.623 ms) query number per page:127 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 84893 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   39 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.660 ms) query number per page:128 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '107626' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 10.740 ms) query number per page:129 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 48981 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   60 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.417 ms) query number per page:130 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '107181' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 11.082 ms) query number per page:131 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 48983 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   66 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.214 ms) query number per page:132 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '106843' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 6.813 ms) query number per page:133 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 48976 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   40 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.576 ms) query number per page:134 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '106202' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 53.493 ms) query number per page:135 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 50873 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |  568 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.314 ms) query number per page:136 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '104924' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 7.623 ms) query number per page:137 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 48977 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   17 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 5.639 ms) query number per page:138 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '104000' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 31.856 ms) query number per page:139 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 50872 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |  285 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 4.382 ms) query number per page:140 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '103875' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.496 ms) query number per page:141 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 100721 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.499 ms) query number per page:142 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '101010' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 8.310 ms) query number per page:143 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 48982 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   41 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 4.452 ms) query number per page:144 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '98955' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 8.560 ms) query number per page:145 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 75852 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   61 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.562 ms) query number per page:146 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '98693' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 16.572 ms) query number per page:147 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 57157 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |  113 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 4.585 ms) query number per page:148 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '98336' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 7.419 ms) query number per page:149 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 48984 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   17 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 5.604 ms) query number per page:150 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '93114' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 5.719 ms) query number per page:151 Mar 16 2016 21:04:56
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 50853 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   23 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 4.440 ms) query number per page:152 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '91090' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 15.617 ms) query number per page:153 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 50866 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |  146 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 4.132 ms) query number per page:154 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '84035' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 5.555 ms) query number per page:155 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 76995 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |    4 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 4.458 ms) query number per page:156 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '81971' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.876 ms) query number per page:157 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 54372 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   10 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.156 ms) query number per page:158 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '80365' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 8.207 ms) query number per page:159 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 48978 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   62 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 4.021 ms) query number per page:160 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '75307' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.548 ms) query number per page:161 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 56386 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |    6 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 4.618 ms) query number per page:162 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '71400' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 5.445 ms) query number per page:163 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 50859 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   13 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 4.477 ms) query number per page:164 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '59507' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:89[4] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'index' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 6.189 ms) query number per page:165 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '79813' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '79813' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.660 ms) query number per page:166 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='79814' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.840 ms) query number per page:167 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='2804'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 5.107 ms) query number per page:168 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '79814' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '79814' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:77 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan.png',
  1 => '1377684815',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:78 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan.png',
  'name_hash' => '240c5fa2ddde5cd40dbceaf7eff639b9',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '17869',
  'mtime' => '1377684815',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_block_cronicas.png)[0.002 ms] query number per page:79 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050871',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:80 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => '7bcae597f3d4c677049e0c61fba06dda',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '19772',
  'mtime' => '1458050871',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:81 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051280',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:82 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => 'ec0a3e85b9260751e310e60e56cea2c6',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '24959',
  'mtime' => '1458051280',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_medium.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_medium.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:83 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_medium.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_medium.png',
  1 => '1416243921',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_medium.png)[0.002 ms] query number per page:84 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_medium.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_medium.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/maite-garcia-almazan/672857-1-esl-ES/maite-garcia-almazan_medium.png',
  'name_hash' => 'c54c0b4dbf928864170c317ba5f10ef4',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '17878',
  'mtime' => '1416243921',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 16.658 ms) query number per page:169 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 79756 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |  147 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.875 ms) query number per page:170 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '107937' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.564 ms) query number per page:171 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3934'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 3.729 ms) query number per page:172 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '110' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '9' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '110' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '9' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.883 ms) query number per page:173 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='50622' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.634 ms) query number per page:174 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='701'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 3.284 ms) query number per page:175 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '50622' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '50622' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:85 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases.png',
  1 => '1302019109',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases.png)[0.003 ms] query number per page:86 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases.png',
  'name_hash' => 'f58957778c099934c03df82f2141de25',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '18657',
  'mtime' => '1302019109',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:87 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050870',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:88 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => '92106185beaaadbcb759a42ee7312cad',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '19907',
  'mtime' => '1458050870',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_medium.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_medium.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:89 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_medium.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_medium.png',
  1 => '1361527596',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:90 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_medium.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_medium.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_medium.png',
  'name_hash' => 'f9160aeb709498501b62e9ec41f72878',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '18792',
  'mtime' => '1361527596',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:91 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458050900',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:92 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-rivases5/444284-1-esl-ES/jesus-rivases_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => 'e7dce6a66726c2dcbc8c031a4c5ae902',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '26056',
  'mtime' => '1458050900',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 38.577 ms) query number per page:176 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 48980 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |  235 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 4.330 ms) query number per page:177 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '107931' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.825 ms) query number per page:178 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3933'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 3.820 ms) query number per page:179 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '101005' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '4' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '101005' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '4' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.267 ms) query number per page:180 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='101006' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.654 ms) query number per page:181 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3712'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 3.616 ms) query number per page:182 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '101006' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '101006' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    6 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:93 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes.png',
  1 => '1432808015',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:94 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes.png',
  'name_hash' => '646db7609323f3551da4801bb9dd2101',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '13251',
  'mtime' => '1432808015',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_medium.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_medium.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:95 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_medium.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_medium.png',
  1 => '1440584572',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:96 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_medium.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_medium.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_medium.png',
  'name_hash' => '58b133801f2418517d61c4b13aa89136',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '12709',
  'mtime' => '1440584572',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:97 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051281',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:98 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => 'b0d4895cab242c01550466363d3a0f47',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '38791',
  'mtime' => '1458051281',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_block_cronicas.png)[0.002 ms] query number per page:99 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050870',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:100 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-carlos-fuertes/952134-1-esl-ES/jose-carlos-fuertes_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => '352b92f648574c117fbb7ae8a801b4a1',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '16686',
  'mtime' => '1458050870',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 7.869 ms) query number per page:183 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 100884 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   19 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 5.133 ms) query number per page:184 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '107914' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.144 ms) query number per page:185 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3932'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 4.741 ms) query number per page:186 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '56753' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '2' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '56753' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '2' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.044 ms) query number per page:187 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='56754' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.879 ms) query number per page:188 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='1308'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 4.769 ms) query number per page:189 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '56754' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '2' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '56754' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '2' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g.png)[0.002 ms] query number per page:101 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g.png',
  1 => '1317823366',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g.png)[0.002 ms] query number per page:102 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g.png',
  'name_hash' => '16d2ea1c35ffdf56bfbb6e248c26d9c5',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '8354',
  'mtime' => '1317823366',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:103 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050870',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:104 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => '1adf8317f19e041d852c3a2405ea4167',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '17401',
  'mtime' => '1458050870',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:105 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051279',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:106 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/cecilia-g/493541-2-esl-ES/cecilia-g_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => '9d02f10b65e24983647d7170ced136bf',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '33705',
  'mtime' => '1458051279',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 23.607 ms) query number per page:190 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 56717 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |  212 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 4.244 ms) query number per page:191 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '107882' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.836 ms) query number per page:192 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3931'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 3.945 ms) query number per page:193 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '74144' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '3' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '74144' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '3' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.223 ms) query number per page:194 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='74149' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.432 ms) query number per page:195 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='2476'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 3.770 ms) query number per page:196 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '74149' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '3' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '74149' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '3' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero.png)[0.002 ms] query number per page:107 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero.png',
  1 => '1366287726',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:108 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero.png',
  'name_hash' => 'bd28a16535dfc7dd800363fe94a80c38',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '13133',
  'mtime' => '1366287726',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:109 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050871',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:110 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => '56f232576f7441d4aa6f602cfe6bcc5f',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '14635',
  'mtime' => '1458050871',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:111 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051280',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:112 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jesus-romero/627746-3-esl-ES/jesus-romero_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => '5d20f61855bd9577bde9cb6938c7592c',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '19385',
  'mtime' => '1458051280',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 6.610 ms) query number per page:197 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 74315 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   22 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.181 ms) query number per page:198 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '107714' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.498 ms) query number per page:199 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3926'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 3.849 ms) query number per page:200 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '85057' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '85057' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.253 ms) query number per page:201 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='85058' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.033 ms) query number per page:202 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3075'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 3.520 ms) query number per page:203 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '85058' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '85058' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez.png)[0.002 ms] query number per page:113 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez.png',
  1 => '1392720643',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez.png)[0.002 ms] query number per page:114 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez.png',
  'name_hash' => 'faf18de561c4209bf9e12a5bf71219b8',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '14778',
  'mtime' => '1392720643',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:115 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051281',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:116 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => '28b362afece27bf2096244c06de0e87d',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '21004',
  'mtime' => '1458051281',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:117 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050871',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:118 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => 'bb695c804fe5f48fe74359bf1b07d5a0',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '15181',
  'mtime' => '1458050871',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_medium.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_medium.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:119 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_medium.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_medium.png',
  1 => '1396376540',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:120 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_medium.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_medium.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/daniel-jimenez/714925-1-esl-ES/daniel-jimenez_medium.png',
  'name_hash' => 'd30a641e02434dfe28ea2350bd8c27cc',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '14773',
  'mtime' => '1396376540',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 6.061 ms) query number per page:204 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 84893 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   39 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.339 ms) query number per page:205 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '107626' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.562 ms) query number per page:206 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3925'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 4.533 ms) query number per page:207 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '112' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '7' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '112' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '7' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.648 ms) query number per page:208 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='50628' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.799 ms) query number per page:209 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='717'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 4.310 ms) query number per page:210 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '50628' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '50628' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:121 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto.png',
  1 => '1302021215',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:122 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto.png',
  'name_hash' => '9266b4676336262b1b95147b09e8e979',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '15066',
  'mtime' => '1302021215',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:123 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050872',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:124 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => 'cde6a998b1d3e1034cdb7f278dde07f8',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '15750',
  'mtime' => '1458050872',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_medium.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_medium.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:125 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_medium.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_medium.png',
  1 => '1306317443',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:126 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_medium.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_medium.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_medium.png',
  'name_hash' => '713f258641abd9d1b1b036e09f07ea06',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '15161',
  'mtime' => '1306317443',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:127 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051276',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:128 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alvaro-nieto4/444326-1-esl-ES/alvaro-nieto_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => 'f5ac07ef8af41fc595a5904ce38827ca',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '22209',
  'mtime' => '1458051276',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 10.568 ms) query number per page:211 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 48981 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   60 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.969 ms) query number per page:212 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '107181' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.682 ms) query number per page:213 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3914'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 3.818 ms) query number per page:214 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '114' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '6' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '114' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '6' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.427 ms) query number per page:215 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='50620' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.597 ms) query number per page:216 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='716'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 6.749 ms) query number per page:217 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '50620' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '50620' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:129 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero.png',
  1 => '1302018680',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:130 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero.png',
  'name_hash' => '513b18f1aaf8f5206783c0d099d48b28',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '18297',
  'mtime' => '1302018680',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:131 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050872',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:132 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => 'a0481bfd9626174e9cd77b25b09d7981',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '20142',
  'mtime' => '1458050872',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:133 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051277',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:134 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/javier-otero3/444270-1-esl-ES/javier-otero_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => '123d7d919a47057d8fbd320debd932ed',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '25473',
  'mtime' => '1458051277',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 8.687 ms) query number per page:218 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 48983 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   66 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.224 ms) query number per page:219 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '106843' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.536 ms) query number per page:220 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3906'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 3.671 ms) query number per page:221 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '111' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '3' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '111' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '3' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.176 ms) query number per page:222 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='49042' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.631 ms) query number per page:223 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='719'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 3.592 ms) query number per page:224 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '49042' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '49042' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:135 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals.png',
  1 => '1301501486',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:136 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals.png',
  'name_hash' => '5e742215a6e017f57fcf8001651341cc',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '18421',
  'mtime' => '1301501486',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:137 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050873',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:138 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => '252a55107728f7bdee9515a3e6526cd6',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '19473',
  'mtime' => '1458050873',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:139 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051277',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:140 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => '8072ad9e8ae5ac522eb739ebf694bbe0',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '43561',
  'mtime' => '1458051277',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_medium.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_medium.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:141 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_medium.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_medium.png',
  1 => '1398330602',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:142 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_medium.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_medium.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-maria-vals/430354-1-esl-ES/jose-maria-vals_medium.png',
  'name_hash' => '11e5d8b4316887c11997ba5445622d0a',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '18516',
  'mtime' => '1398330602',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 8.495 ms) query number per page:225 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 48976 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   40 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.730 ms) query number per page:226 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '106202' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.517 ms) query number per page:227 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3890'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 3.574 ms) query number per page:228 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '50939' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '50939' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.494 ms) query number per page:229 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='50940' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.644 ms) query number per page:230 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='798'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 3.949 ms) query number per page:231 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '50940' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '50940' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:143 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz.png',
  1 => '1307710762',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:144 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz.png',
  'name_hash' => '20a4f816d6430a05af700b09e111bb54',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '12838',
  'mtime' => '1307710762',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:145 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050873',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:146 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => '657b3ff8f5234639d54fbacb5d2c1efd',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '14395',
  'mtime' => '1458050873',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:147 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051034',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:148 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-diaz/446694-1-esl-ES/antonio-diaz_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => '0f392cf23fe5b7a8e56d18cb8a70aa0a',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '30537',
  'mtime' => '1458051034',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 48.530 ms) query number per page:232 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 50873 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |  568 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 5.284 ms) query number per page:233 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '104924' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.611 ms) query number per page:234 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3852'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 3.916 ms) query number per page:235 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '116' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '12' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '116' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '12' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.095 ms) query number per page:236 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='50607' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.941 ms) query number per page:237 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='715'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 3.450 ms) query number per page:238 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '50607' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '3' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '50607' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '3' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:149 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri.png',
  1 => '1441906378',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:150 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri.png',
  'name_hash' => '60e32214be9a65fa492c75dbf9cb0494',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '10278',
  'mtime' => '1441906378',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:151 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050873',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:152 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => '26bf9908c3dba5787c34bb8d4d4251c2',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '17716',
  'mtime' => '1458050873',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:153 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051277',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:154 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-algorri/444161-3-esl-ES/luis-algorri_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => '530ffda55283f4333f6b9d5ad2964d71',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '12766',
  'mtime' => '1458051277',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 5.465 ms) query number per page:239 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 48977 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   17 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.530 ms) query number per page:240 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '104000' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.555 ms) query number per page:241 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3825'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 4.089 ms) query number per page:242 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '50938' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '2' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '50938' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '2' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.393 ms) query number per page:243 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='51496' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.460 ms) query number per page:244 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='797'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 3.308 ms) query number per page:245 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '51496' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '51496' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:155 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez.png',
  1 => '1308587425',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:156 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez.png',
  'name_hash' => '7a9be0ed8a68b75dfad4154e44c2280f',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '21342',
  'mtime' => '1308587425',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:157 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050874',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:158 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => '3a8d58b4afcdcb228bda2be3fcf823a6',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '22897',
  'mtime' => '1458050874',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:159 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458050908',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:160 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/jose-manuel-gomez/450663-1-esl-ES/jose-manuel-gomez_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => '9853cca789fc81d935680d6635d7fdb7',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '51867',
  'mtime' => '1458050908',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 26.522 ms) query number per page:246 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 50872 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |  285 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 4.160 ms) query number per page:247 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '103875' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.288 ms) query number per page:248 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3821'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 4.256 ms) query number per page:249 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '100833' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '100833' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.077 ms) query number per page:250 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='100834' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.793 ms) query number per page:251 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3703'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 4.226 ms) query number per page:252 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '100834' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '100834' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:161 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo.png',
  1 => '1432029576',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:162 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo.png',
  'name_hash' => '8628d7934807ad3c45964e0a76d8592f',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '7988',
  'mtime' => '1432029576',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:163 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051281',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:164 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => 'cfc569d993edd7fcb506c9da643a51a8',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '10200',
  'mtime' => '1458051281',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo_block_cronicas.png)[0.002 ms] query number per page:165 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050874',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:166 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/luis-calvo/950635-1-esl-ES/luis-calvo_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => 'bfb97d07e6a0cca90d856933c86c3f09',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '14156',
  'mtime' => '1458050874',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 5.354 ms) query number per page:253 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 100721 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.389 ms) query number per page:254 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '101010' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.526 ms) query number per page:255 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3713'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 3.779 ms) query number per page:256 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '113' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '3' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '113' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '3' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.069 ms) query number per page:257 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='49044' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.330 ms) query number per page:258 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='718'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 6.607 ms) query number per page:259 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '49044' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '49044' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:167 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez.png',
  1 => '1301503278',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:168 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez.png',
  'name_hash' => '1e39256b01a81bbcf219001ef6f01f08',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '19843',
  'mtime' => '1301503278',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:169 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050875',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:170 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => 'cad257b1449bcf93b5ceb6bc91c032c5',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '19807',
  'mtime' => '1458050875',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:171 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051278',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_block_firma.png)[0.002 ms] query number per page:172 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => 'ca982f0f8decb4417e1e0662b13a49d7',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '28687',
  'mtime' => '1458051278',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_medium.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_medium.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:173 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_medium.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_medium.png',
  1 => '1324487277',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:174 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_medium.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_medium.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/antonio-rodriguez/430368-1-esl-ES/antonio-rodriguez_medium.png',
  'name_hash' => '2f778360d67b9685c70d385cad1c6124',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '19961',
  'mtime' => '1324487277',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 7.507 ms) query number per page:260 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 48982 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   41 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.645 ms) query number per page:261 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '98955' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.464 ms) query number per page:262 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3617'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 4.984 ms) query number per page:263 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '75739' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '75739' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.684 ms) query number per page:264 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='75740' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.526 ms) query number per page:265 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='2569'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 3.868 ms) query number per page:266 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '75740' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '75740' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:175 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo.png',
  1 => '1365771158',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:176 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo.png',
  'name_hash' => 'cc395f8f4330b26a8c0316ba501b8f30',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '15388',
  'mtime' => '1365771158',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_medium.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_medium.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:177 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_medium.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_medium.png',
  1 => '1366287545',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:178 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_medium.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_medium.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_medium.png',
  'name_hash' => 'fe263e2198f13d36af2002d4f3f8240c',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '14941',
  'mtime' => '1366287545',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:179 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050875',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:180 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => 'a5dd028f3391e62b51b4fd8a9789678f',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '15551',
  'mtime' => '1458050875',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:181 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051280',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:182 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/julio-luengo/640542-1-esl-ES/julio-luengo_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => '48790b2aaf92ba00972f32ffef7f3759',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '23035',
  'mtime' => '1458051280',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 9.985 ms) query number per page:267 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 75852 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   61 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.231 ms) query number per page:268 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '98693' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.644 ms) query number per page:269 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3603'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 4.913 ms) query number per page:270 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '57198' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '5' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '57198' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '5' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.794 ms) query number per page:271 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='57199' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.763 ms) query number per page:272 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='1345'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 4.482 ms) query number per page:273 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '57199' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '4' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '57199' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '4' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:183 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder.png',
  1 => '1357728016',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder.png)[0.002 ms] query number per page:184 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder.png',
  'name_hash' => 'b2341d5da729b59434343b3d860f3847',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '9992',
  'mtime' => '1357728016',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:185 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050876',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:186 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => '21292d6352cb8d054fe853906c8dc63c',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '14911',
  'mtime' => '1458050876',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:187 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051279',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:188 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => '45c26cb252db9c09573018c820dc99af',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '10873',
  'mtime' => '1458051279',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_medium.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_medium.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:189 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_medium.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_medium.png',
  1 => '1392643920',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:190 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_medium.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_medium.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/lu-gaarder/497138-4-esl-ES/lu-gaarder_medium.png',
  'name_hash' => 'd3c68bc565b5bbbd84881f74b8ae07ff',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '10264',
  'mtime' => '1392643920',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 18.080 ms) query number per page:274 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 57157 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |  113 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 5.160 ms) query number per page:275 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '98336' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.083 ms) query number per page:276 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3589'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 4.013 ms) query number per page:277 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '115' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '7' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '115' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '7' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.665 ms) query number per page:278 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='50625' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.598 ms) query number per page:279 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='720'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 3.661 ms) query number per page:280 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '50625' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '50625' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:191 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente.png',
  1 => '1302020633',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:192 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente.png',
  'name_hash' => '5790427e42e0c654065f536df37f8bf5',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '21874',
  'mtime' => '1302020633',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:193 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050875',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_block_cronicas.png)[0.002 ms] query number per page:194 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => '8383c12b33ff64edf6f27907b693f765',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '22770',
  'mtime' => '1458050875',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_medium.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_medium.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:195 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_medium.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_medium.png',
  1 => '1324487773',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:196 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_medium.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_medium.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_medium.png',
  'name_hash' => '58a058ecfa7adaa3b159f9dc6e2581dc',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '21966',
  'mtime' => '1324487773',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:197 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051278',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:198 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/celia-lorente4/444305-1-esl-ES/celia-lorente_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => 'a3951c03b5bc0c609f6a431a930e5a75',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '29961',
  'mtime' => '1458051278',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 5.657 ms) query number per page:281 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 48984 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   17 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 4.455 ms) query number per page:282 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '93114' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.846 ms) query number per page:283 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3390'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 5.114 ms) query number per page:284 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '50920' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '5' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '50920' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '5' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.982 ms) query number per page:285 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='50927' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.720 ms) query number per page:286 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='792'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 4.181 ms) query number per page:287 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '50927' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '50927' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:199 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar.png',
  1 => '1307706543',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar.png)[0.002 ms] query number per page:200 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar.png',
  'name_hash' => '72865963d56bfa905dc6760a67b1f3e8',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '19001',
  'mtime' => '1307706543',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:201 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050876',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:202 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => '6408e31b1060308f020b4dc08f9a7a09',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '18825',
  'mtime' => '1458050876',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:203 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051277',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:204 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/clara-pinar4/446598-1-esl-ES/clara-pinar_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => '33ba2733f7c711153941ebf263efc461',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '42490',
  'mtime' => '1458051277',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 5.630 ms) query number per page:288 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 50853 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   23 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.784 ms) query number per page:289 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '91090' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.543 ms) query number per page:290 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3319'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 5.459 ms) query number per page:291 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '50932' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '4' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '50932' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '4' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.616 ms) query number per page:292 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='50934' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.968 ms) query number per page:293 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='795'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 4.143 ms) query number per page:294 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '50934' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '3' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '50934' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '3' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:205 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas.png',
  1 => '1318938283',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:206 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas.png',
  'name_hash' => 'e8335311b157919a8b587c6ede5f56ba',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '14868',
  'mtime' => '1318938283',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:207 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050877',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:208 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => '28497b25953957f8cbaf5dd6ac0be866',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '18203',
  'mtime' => '1458050877',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:209 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051107',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:210 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/bosco-esteruelas2/446649-3-esl-ES/bosco-esteruelas_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => '6d67549ea682348c498ac5263cae6b9c',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '41353',
  'mtime' => '1458051107',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 12.710 ms) query number per page:295 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 50866 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |  146 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.588 ms) query number per page:296 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '84035' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.475 ms) query number per page:297 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='3038'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 5.825 ms) query number per page:298 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '76902' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '76902' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.316 ms) query number per page:299 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='76904' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.035 ms) query number per page:300 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='2645'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 5.630 ms) query number per page:301 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '76904' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '76904' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:211 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret.png',
  1 => '1368785226',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:212 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret.png',
  'name_hash' => '97d34099092ef29e4c41af260b648b04',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '12783',
  'mtime' => '1368785226',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:213 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050877',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:214 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => '59f9f9944206f65e70c9122963fc2568',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '16393',
  'mtime' => '1458050877',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:215 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051280',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:216 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => 'fc6b9cc1cc88ccdfb32e52f192b1aa78',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '18680',
  'mtime' => '1458051280',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_medium.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_medium.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:217 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_medium.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_medium.png',
  1 => '1440598728',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:218 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_medium.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_medium.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/alain-noret/649759-1-esl-ES/alain-noret_medium.png',
  'name_hash' => '781ca06e40d42103fa033d01ec25555f',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '13510',
  'mtime' => '1440598728',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 5.167 ms) query number per page:302 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 76995 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |    4 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.296 ms) query number per page:303 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '81971' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.428 ms) query number per page:304 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='2935'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 4.468 ms) query number per page:305 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '54375' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '2' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '54375' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '2' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.474 ms) query number per page:306 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='54376' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.843 ms) query number per page:307 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='1050'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 4.659 ms) query number per page:308 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '54376' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '2' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '54376' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '2' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:219 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva.png',
  1 => '1311941775',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:220 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva.png',
  'name_hash' => 'e1d58c8ded30fa95e947aa48a1847676',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '17933',
  'mtime' => '1311941775',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:221 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051279',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:222 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => 'a6be9b75005035e70280d4b338c053dd',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '39694',
  'mtime' => '1458051279',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:223 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050877',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:224 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/ignacio-de-la-cierva/474873-2-esl-ES/ignacio-de-la-cierva_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => '31f4347efdfe23380308d819aa24f8d5',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '17934',
  'mtime' => '1458050877',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 5.562 ms) query number per page:309 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 54372 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   10 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.730 ms) query number per page:310 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '80365' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.623 ms) query number per page:311 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='2842'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 3.632 ms) query number per page:312 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '106' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '21' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '106' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '21' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.657 ms) query number per page:313 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='50616' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.453 ms) query number per page:314 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='714'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 4.184 ms) query number per page:315 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '50616' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '50616' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:225 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid.png',
  1 => '1302017482',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:226 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid.png',
  'name_hash' => '5f5db9810850295cb2efb81807ee26e3',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '17709',
  'mtime' => '1302017482',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:227 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050877',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_block_cronicas.png)[0.002 ms] query number per page:228 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => 'f8c294babaf961d8e60c6db51443136c',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '19675',
  'mtime' => '1458050877',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_medium.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_medium.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:229 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_medium.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_medium.png',
  1 => '1423574666',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:230 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_medium.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_medium.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_medium.png',
  'name_hash' => '7cf0e1f6044c8518ef3d31f35761c2e2',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '17811',
  'mtime' => '1423574666',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:231 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051276',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:232 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/agustin-valladolid2/444236-1-esl-ES/agustin-valladolid_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => '5c16e7f343c7b24d14f0e3510b96030a',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '24266',
  'mtime' => '1458051276',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 9.522 ms) query number per page:316 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 48978 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   62 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 3.245 ms) query number per page:317 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '75307' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.652 ms) query number per page:318 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='2542'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 3.609 ms) query number per page:319 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '56418' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '56418' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                        | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                  |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id |       4 | const                                                                   |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                    |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.214 ms) query number per page:320 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='56419' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.751 ms) query number per page:321 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='1286'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 3.649 ms) query number per page:322 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '56419' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '56419' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:233 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos.png',
  1 => '1317049029',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:234 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos.png',
  'name_hash' => '032155dbc53cc461d7becaae71285685',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '22980',
  'mtime' => '1317049029',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_block_cronicas.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:235 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050879',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_block_cronicas.png)[0.002 ms] query number per page:236 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => '7271c781f7ddc08701dd00661c92027d',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '23361',
  'mtime' => '1458050879',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_medium.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_medium.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:237 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_medium.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_medium.png',
  1 => '1317049560',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:238 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_medium.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_medium.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_medium.png',
  'name_hash' => '728de69ac23998cf8f558920f634aee7',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '23083',
  'mtime' => '1317049560',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_block_firma.png)[0.002 ms] query number per page:239 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051151',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:240 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos/490912-1-esl-ES/entre-plato-y-plato-ana-marcos_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => 'fecb1b280644c0ca00dbe50401adbfc0',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '52863',
  'mtime' => '1458051151',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 5.074 ms) query number per page:323 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 56386 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |    6 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 6.600 ms) query number per page:324 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '71400' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.074 ms) query number per page:325 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='2317'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(8 rows, 4.416 ms) query number per page:326 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '50925' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '3' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '50925' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '3' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    8 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.460 ms) query number per page:327 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                               ezcontentobject.id='50931' AND
                               ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.994 ms) query number per page:328 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='793'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 4.026 ms) query number per page:329 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '50931' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '50931' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:241 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores.png',
  1 => '1307707120',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:242 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores.png',
  'name_hash' => '42ee73feeb4693ebe88be95ef38f1169',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '15669',
  'mtime' => '1307707120',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores_block_firma.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores_block_firma.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:243 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores_block_firma.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores_block_firma.png',
  1 => '1458051279',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores_block_firma.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:244 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores_block_firma.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores_block_firma.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores_block_firma.png',
  'name_hash' => 'f1ed0601637b6130f2097b04199e7133',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '32964',
  'mtime' => '1458051279',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores_block_cronicas.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores_block_cronicas.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores_block_cronicas.png)[0.002 ms] query number per page:245 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores_block_cronicas.png',
  1 => '1458050878',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores_block_cronicas.png)[0.002 ms] query number per page:246 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores_block_cronicas.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/blogs/miguel-amores3/446627-1-esl-ES/miguel-amores_block_cronicas.png',
  'name_hash' => 'b418b01e043ec3a546dd0757d5bdd535',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '15154',
  'mtime' => '1458050878',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 7.980 ms) query number per page:330 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 50859 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 74 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |   13 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 6.759 ms) query number per page:331 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '59507' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Warning: eZTemplate:def @ design/general/override/templates/block/bloque_cronicas.tpl:159[7] Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Variable 'post' is already defined.
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.146 ms) query number per page:332 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url, is_valid FROM ezurl WHERE id='1536'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.831 ms) query number per page:333 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                                        FROM ezm_pool, ezcontentobject_tree
                                        WHERE ezm_pool.block_id='dcdd73d9a286fb8e3ddb9ddea9a05317'
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_visible>0
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_hidden=0
                                          AND ezcontentobject_tree.node_id = ezm_pool.node_id
                                        ORDER BY ezm_pool.priority DESC

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                     | key     | key_len | ref                             | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezm_pool             | ref    | PRIMARY,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_publication__priority,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_visible,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_hidden | PRIMARY |      96 | const                           |    1 | Using where; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                           | PRIMARY |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezm_pool.node_id |    1 | Using where                 |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.135 ms) query number per page:334 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 107575 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(9 rows, 4.025 ms) query number per page:335 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '107817' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '2' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '107817' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '2' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    9 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.581 ms) query number per page:336 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT id, serialized_name_list, serialized_description_list, version, contentclass_id, identifier, placement,       is_searchable, is_required, can_translate, is_information_collector, data_type_string, data_int1, data_int2,       data_int3, data_int4, data_float1, data_float2, data_float3, data_float4, data_text1,       data_text2, data_text3, data_text4, data_text5, serialized_data_text, category
                    FROM   ezcontentclass_attribute WHERE  id='407' AND version='0'

| id | select_type | table                    | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.377 ms) query number per page:337 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                                        FROM ezm_pool, ezcontentobject_tree
                                        WHERE ezm_pool.block_id='3ddd3f7a4808a6cfd80f979cad02447b'
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_visible>0
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_hidden=0
                                          AND ezcontentobject_tree.node_id = ezm_pool.node_id
                                        ORDER BY ezm_pool.priority DESC

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                     | key     | key_len | ref                             | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezm_pool             | ref    | PRIMARY,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_publication__priority,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_visible,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_hidden | PRIMARY |      96 | const                           |    1 | Using where; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                           | PRIMARY |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezm_pool.node_id |    1 | Using where                 |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.316 ms) query number per page:338 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 86934 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(2 rows, 5.275 ms) query number per page:339 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '87137' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '2' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '87137' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '2' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    2 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.923 ms) query number per page:340 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT * FROM ezurl WHERE id IN ( 2098 )

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.832 ms) query number per page:341 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list, ezcontentobject.* , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                         , ezcontentobject_name 
                         ezcontentclass.id=ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.id IN ( 87353 )
                          and  ezcontentobject.id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject.current_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid,ezcontentobject_currentversion | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | ref   | PRIMARY                                                        | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.498 ms) query number per page:342 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT contentobject_state_id, group_id FROM ezcobj_state_link, ezcobj_state
                    WHERE ezcobj_state.id=ezcobj_state_link.contentobject_state_id AND

| id | select_type | table             | type   | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref                                                     | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcobj_state_link | ref    | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const                                                   |    1 | Using index |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcobj_state      | eq_ref | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcobj_state_link.contentobject_state_id |    1 |             |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.368 ms) query number per page:343 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT l.contentobject_state_id, s.identifier AS state_identifier, g.identifier AS state_group_identifier
                FROM ezcobj_state_link l, ezcobj_state s, ezcobj_state_group g
                WHERE l.contentobject_id=87353 AND
                      s.id=l.contentobject_state_id AND

| id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys                   | key                           | key_len | ref                                     | rows | Extra                          |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | l     | ref    | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY                       |       4 | const                                   |    1 | Using index                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | g     | index  | PRIMARY                         | ezcobj_state_group_identifier |     137 |                                         |    1 | Using index; Using join buffer |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | s     | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcobj_state_identifier | PRIMARY                       |       4 | revista_tiempo.l.contentobject_state_id |    1 | Using where                    |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 5.216 ms) query number per page:344 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '87353' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '87353' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:247 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos.jpg',
  1 => '1397216205',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos.jpg)[0.002 ms] query number per page:248 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos.jpg',
  'name_hash' => '0b3a020224b6da10fe78b1abef0c366d',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '11415',
  'mtime' => '1397216205',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_small.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_small.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_small.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:249 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_small.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_small.jpg',
  1 => '1403507435',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_small.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:250 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_small.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_small.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_small.jpg',
  'name_hash' => '0baa02ce9f597e5a667c0a66aab0f64f',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '3339',
  'mtime' => '1403507435',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_medium.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_medium.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_medium.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:251 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_medium.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_medium.jpg',
  1 => '1397216211',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_medium.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:252 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_medium.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_medium.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_medium.jpg',
  'name_hash' => '37af0cd2214143c1b139bd6a2ab6dc2a',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '10237',
  'mtime' => '1397216211',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_large.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_large.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_large.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:253 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_large.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_large.jpg',
  1 => '1437753653',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_large.jpg)[0.002 ms] query number per page:254 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_large.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_large.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/portada-30-anos2/767708-1-esl-ES/portada-30-anos_large.jpg',
  'name_hash' => '9986dcee2896ea67b342887c647ac637',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '16248',
  'mtime' => '1437753653',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.138 ms) query number per page:345 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT name, content_translation
                 FROM ezcontentobject_name
                 WHERE contentobject_id = '87353'
                       AND content_version = '1'
                       AND ( content_translation = 'esl-ES' OR language_id = '2' )

| id | select_type | table                | type | possible_keys                                                                               | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref  | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id,ezcontentobject_name_lang_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 5.608 ms) query number per page:346 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 56378 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.465 ms) query number per page:347 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 56378 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(5 rows, 128.706 ms) query number per page:348 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                       ezcontentobject_tree.path_string like '/1/2/56378/%' and  
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.node_id != 56378 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject.id  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 48 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 5

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                       | key_len | ref                                                                                                            | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                   |       8 | const,const                                                                                                    |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | range  | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_path   | ezcontentobject_tree_path |     767 |                                                                                                                | 2878 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                   |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                                           |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                   |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(110 rows, 11.252 ms) query number per page:349 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '3' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '101392' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  OR ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '100678' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  OR ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '8' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '100622' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  OR ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '100599' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  OR ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '4' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '100559' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | range  | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 |                                                                         |  110 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(2 rows, 3.126 ms) query number per page:350 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:56378' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    2 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(3 rows, 2.164 ms) query number per page:351 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:56378', 'eznode:101260' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    3 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(3 rows, 2.864 ms) query number per page:352 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:56378', 'eznode:100566' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    3 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(3 rows, 2.291 ms) query number per page:353 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:56378', 'eznode:100513' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    3 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(3 rows, 3.088 ms) query number per page:354 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:56378', 'eznode:100490' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    3 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(3 rows, 3.759 ms) query number per page:355 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:56378', 'eznode:100452' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    3 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.444 ms) query number per page:356 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                                        FROM ezm_pool, ezcontentobject_tree
                                        WHERE ezm_pool.block_id='44117367263bf4956dfb53706a39ee40'
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_visible>0
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_hidden=0
                                          AND ezcontentobject_tree.node_id = ezm_pool.node_id
                                        ORDER BY ezm_pool.priority DESC

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                     | key     | key_len | ref                             | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezm_pool             | ref    | PRIMARY,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_publication__priority,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_visible,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_hidden | PRIMARY |      96 | const                           |    1 | Using where; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                           | PRIMARY |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezm_pool.node_id |    1 | Using where                 |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.496 ms) query number per page:357 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 88787 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(2 rows, 4.033 ms) query number per page:358 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '89030' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '2' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '89030' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '2' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    2 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.281 ms) query number per page:359 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                                        FROM ezm_pool, ezcontentobject_tree
                                        WHERE ezm_pool.block_id='7a1573e428e9032393f32052729b8fdb'
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_visible>0
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_hidden=0
                                          AND ezcontentobject_tree.node_id = ezm_pool.node_id
                                        ORDER BY ezm_pool.priority DESC

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                     | key     | key_len | ref                             | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezm_pool             | ref    | PRIMARY,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_publication__priority,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_visible,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_hidden | PRIMARY |      96 | const                           |    1 | Using where; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                           | PRIMARY |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezm_pool.node_id |    1 | Using where                 |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.578 ms) query number per page:360 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 50617 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(2 rows, 3.724 ms) query number per page:361 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '50667' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '4' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '50667' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '4' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    2 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.037 ms) query number per page:362 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT * FROM ezurl WHERE id IN ( 702 )

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.585 ms) query number per page:363 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list, ezcontentobject.* , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                         , ezcontentobject_name 
                         ezcontentclass.id=ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.id IN ( 50715 )
                          and  ezcontentobject.id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject.current_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid,ezcontentobject_currentversion | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | ref   | PRIMARY                                                        | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.346 ms) query number per page:364 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT contentobject_state_id, group_id FROM ezcobj_state_link, ezcobj_state
                    WHERE ezcobj_state.id=ezcobj_state_link.contentobject_state_id AND

| id | select_type | table             | type   | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref                                                     | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcobj_state_link | ref    | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const                                                   |    1 | Using index |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcobj_state      | eq_ref | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcobj_state_link.contentobject_state_id |    1 |             |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.185 ms) query number per page:365 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT l.contentobject_state_id, s.identifier AS state_identifier, g.identifier AS state_group_identifier
                FROM ezcobj_state_link l, ezcobj_state s, ezcobj_state_group g
                WHERE l.contentobject_id=50715 AND
                      s.id=l.contentobject_state_id AND

| id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys                   | key                           | key_len | ref                                     | rows | Extra                          |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | l     | ref    | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY                       |       4 | const                                   |    1 | Using index                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | g     | index  | PRIMARY                         | ezcobj_state_group_identifier |     137 |                                         |    1 | Using index; Using join buffer |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | s     | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcobj_state_identifier | PRIMARY                       |       4 | revista_tiempo.l.contentobject_state_id |    1 | Using where                    |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 6.582 ms) query number per page:366 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '50715' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '2' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '50715' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '2' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:255 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo.jpg',
  1 => '1306316826',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:256 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo.jpg',
  'name_hash' => '1798736d7ad4f20c1521448ad3ca662e',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '52867',
  'mtime' => '1306316826',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo_small.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo_small.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo_small.jpg)[0.002 ms] query number per page:257 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo_small.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo_small.jpg',
  1 => '1312879968',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo_small.jpg)[0.002 ms] query number per page:258 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo_small.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo_small.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo_small.jpg',
  'name_hash' => '74bcbc85b4588da16bc12e0e397ca83d',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '23231',
  'mtime' => '1312879968',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo_large.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo_large.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo_large.jpg)[0.002 ms] query number per page:259 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo_large.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo_large.jpg',
  1 => '1437753994',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo_large.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:260 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo_large.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo_large.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/mail-tiempo2/445409-2-esl-ES/mail-tiempo_large.jpg',
  'name_hash' => '24b98ab10bb5418635f60e298db9d2c4',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '35391',
  'mtime' => '1437753994',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.017 ms) query number per page:367 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT name, content_translation
                 FROM ezcontentobject_name
                 WHERE contentobject_id = '50715'
                       AND content_version = '2'
                       AND ( content_translation = 'esl-ES' OR language_id = '2' )

| id | select_type | table                | type | possible_keys                                                                               | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref  | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id,ezcontentobject_name_lang_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.441 ms) query number per page:368 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                                        FROM ezm_pool, ezcontentobject_tree
                                        WHERE ezm_pool.block_id='c176bf58276ac26b618e138ebfece8da'
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_visible>0
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_hidden=0
                                          AND ezcontentobject_tree.node_id = ezm_pool.node_id
                                        ORDER BY ezm_pool.priority DESC

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                     | key     | key_len | ref                             | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezm_pool             | ref    | PRIMARY,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_publication__priority,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_visible,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_hidden | PRIMARY |      96 | const                           |    1 | Using where; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                           | PRIMARY |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezm_pool.node_id |    1 | Using where                 |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.545 ms) query number per page:369 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 51503 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(2 rows, 3.872 ms) query number per page:370 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '51479' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '51479' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    2 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.204 ms) query number per page:371 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT * FROM ezurl WHERE id IN ( 932 )

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.633 ms) query number per page:372 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list, ezcontentobject.* , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                         , ezcontentobject_name 
                         ezcontentclass.id=ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.id IN ( 51478 )
                          and  ezcontentobject.id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject.current_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid,ezcontentobject_currentversion | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | ref   | PRIMARY                                                        | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.589 ms) query number per page:373 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT contentobject_state_id, group_id FROM ezcobj_state_link, ezcobj_state
                    WHERE ezcobj_state.id=ezcobj_state_link.contentobject_state_id AND

| id | select_type | table             | type   | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref                                                     | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcobj_state_link | ref    | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const                                                   |    1 | Using index |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcobj_state      | eq_ref | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcobj_state_link.contentobject_state_id |    1 |             |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.728 ms) query number per page:374 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT l.contentobject_state_id, s.identifier AS state_identifier, g.identifier AS state_group_identifier
                FROM ezcobj_state_link l, ezcobj_state s, ezcobj_state_group g
                WHERE l.contentobject_id=51478 AND
                      s.id=l.contentobject_state_id AND

| id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys                   | key                           | key_len | ref                                     | rows | Extra                          |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | l     | ref    | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY                       |       4 | const                                   |    1 | Using index                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | g     | index  | PRIMARY                         | ezcobj_state_group_identifier |     137 |                                         |    1 | Using index; Using join buffer |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | s     | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcobj_state_identifier | PRIMARY                       |       4 | revista_tiempo.l.contentobject_state_id |    1 | Using where                    |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 5.489 ms) query number per page:375 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '51478' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '2' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '51478' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '2' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/boton-suscripciones/450524-2-esl-ES/boton-suscripciones.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/boton-suscripciones/450524-2-esl-ES/boton-suscripciones.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/boton-suscripciones/450524-2-esl-ES/boton-suscripciones.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:261 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/boton-suscripciones/450524-2-esl-ES/boton-suscripciones.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/boton-suscripciones/450524-2-esl-ES/boton-suscripciones.png',
  1 => '1308583919',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/boton-suscripciones/450524-2-esl-ES/boton-suscripciones.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:262 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/boton-suscripciones/450524-2-esl-ES/boton-suscripciones.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/boton-suscripciones/450524-2-esl-ES/boton-suscripciones.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/boton-suscripciones/450524-2-esl-ES/boton-suscripciones.png',
  'name_hash' => 'ec9516f0a562c77622e3ce4013bd76b2',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '41117',
  'mtime' => '1308583919',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/boton-suscripciones/450524-2-esl-ES/boton-suscripciones_small.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/boton-suscripciones/450524-2-esl-ES/boton-suscripciones_small.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/boton-suscripciones/450524-2-esl-ES/boton-suscripciones_small.png)[0.002 ms] query number per page:263 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/boton-suscripciones/450524-2-esl-ES/boton-suscripciones_small.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/boton-suscripciones/450524-2-esl-ES/boton-suscripciones_small.png',
  1 => '1316430900',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/boton-suscripciones/450524-2-esl-ES/boton-suscripciones_small.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:264 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/boton-suscripciones/450524-2-esl-ES/boton-suscripciones_small.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/boton-suscripciones/450524-2-esl-ES/boton-suscripciones_small.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/boton-suscripciones/450524-2-esl-ES/boton-suscripciones_small.png',
  'name_hash' => 'a50a3d540f719f5b24cab4267d5276ad',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '19026',
  'mtime' => '1316430900',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.425 ms) query number per page:376 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT name, content_translation
                 FROM ezcontentobject_name
                 WHERE contentobject_id = '51478'
                       AND content_version = '2'
                       AND ( content_translation = 'esl-ES' OR language_id = '2' )

| id | select_type | table                | type | possible_keys                                                                               | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref  | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id,ezcontentobject_name_lang_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.567 ms) query number per page:377 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                                        FROM ezm_pool, ezcontentobject_tree
                                        WHERE ezm_pool.block_id='108f36652ce7282da07e3547e5221b55'
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_visible>0
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_hidden=0
                                          AND ezcontentobject_tree.node_id = ezm_pool.node_id
                                        ORDER BY ezm_pool.priority DESC

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                     | key     | key_len | ref                             | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezm_pool             | ref    | PRIMARY,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_publication__priority,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_visible,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_hidden | PRIMARY |      96 | const                           |    1 | Using where; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                           | PRIMARY |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezm_pool.node_id |    1 | Using where                 |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.184 ms) query number per page:378 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 51516 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(2 rows, 3.209 ms) query number per page:379 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '51495' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '51495' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    2 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.155 ms) query number per page:380 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT * FROM ezurl WHERE id IN ( 935 )

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurl | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.954 ms) query number per page:381 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list, ezcontentobject.* , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                         , ezcontentobject_name 
                         ezcontentclass.id=ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.id IN ( 51486 )
                          and  ezcontentobject.id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject.current_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid,ezcontentobject_currentversion | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | ref   | PRIMARY                                                        | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.221 ms) query number per page:382 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT contentobject_state_id, group_id FROM ezcobj_state_link, ezcobj_state
                    WHERE ezcobj_state.id=ezcobj_state_link.contentobject_state_id AND

| id | select_type | table             | type   | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref                                                     | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcobj_state_link | ref    | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const                                                   |    1 | Using index |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcobj_state      | eq_ref | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcobj_state_link.contentobject_state_id |    1 |             |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.210 ms) query number per page:383 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT l.contentobject_state_id, s.identifier AS state_identifier, g.identifier AS state_group_identifier
                FROM ezcobj_state_link l, ezcobj_state s, ezcobj_state_group g
                WHERE l.contentobject_id=51486 AND
                      s.id=l.contentobject_state_id AND

| id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys                   | key                           | key_len | ref                                     | rows | Extra                          |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | l     | ref    | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY                       |       4 | const                                   |    1 | Using index                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | g     | index  | PRIMARY                         | ezcobj_state_group_identifier |     137 |                                         |    1 | Using index; Using join buffer |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | s     | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcobj_state_identifier | PRIMARY                       |       4 | revista_tiempo.l.contentobject_state_id |    1 | Using where                    |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 4.096 ms) query number per page:384 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '51486' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '3' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '51486' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '3' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:265 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones.png',
  1 => '1308585652',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:266 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones.png',
  'name_hash' => 'c399f6c62fbeb8adc0aee46a6af9ecb5',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '35512',
  'mtime' => '1308585652',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones_small.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones_small.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones_small.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:267 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones_small.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones_small.png',
  1 => '1424090306',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones_small.png)[0.002 ms] query number per page:268 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones_small.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones_small.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones_small.png',
  'name_hash' => 'f8f5ada77500aad9162c591b26efc0f8',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '17371',
  'mtime' => '1424090306',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones_medium.png' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones_medium.png' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones_medium.png)[0.002 ms] query number per page:269 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones_medium.png')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones_medium.png',
  1 => '1308585684',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones_medium.png)[0.001 ms] query number per page:270 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones_medium.png')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/png',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones_medium.png',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/imagenes-sumarios/boton-promociones/450576-3-esl-ES/boton-promociones_medium.png',
  'name_hash' => '1ec5fbbe50d285ef9b088557547163b3',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '50130',
  'mtime' => '1308585684',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.154 ms) query number per page:385 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT name, content_translation
                 FROM ezcontentobject_name
                 WHERE contentobject_id = '51486'
                       AND content_version = '3'
                       AND ( content_translation = 'esl-ES' OR language_id = '2' )

| id | select_type | table                | type | possible_keys                                                                               | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref  | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id,ezcontentobject_name_lang_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(2 rows, 3.193 ms) query number per page:386 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT url,codigo FROM publicidad_codes WHERE tipo = 11 ORDER BY url DESC

| id | select_type | table            | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | publicidad_codes | ref  | tipo          | tipo |       4 | const |    2 | Using where; Using filesort |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.578 ms) query number per page:387 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
                                        FROM ezm_pool, ezcontentobject_tree
                                        WHERE ezm_pool.block_id='eb9633030344819fe75b0e9a89793d4e'
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_visible>0
                                          AND ezm_pool.ts_hidden=0
                                          AND ezcontentobject_tree.node_id = ezm_pool.node_id
                                        ORDER BY ezm_pool.priority DESC

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                     | key     | key_len | ref                             | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezm_pool             | ref    | PRIMARY,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_publication__priority,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_visible,ezm_pool__block_id__ts_hidden | PRIMARY |      96 | const                           |    1 | Using where; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                           | PRIMARY |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezm_pool.node_id |    1 | Using where                 |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.526 ms) query number per page:388 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , ezcontentobject_name.name as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 55663 AND 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=ezcontentobject.id AND
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
                      ezcontentclass.id = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(2 rows, 3.945 ms) query number per page:389 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.id = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '55677' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '5' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '55677' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '5' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    2 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Debug: dfs::checkCacheGenerationTimeout( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache.generating' ) <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Checking cache generation timeout
Notice: cluster::mysql::_checkCacheGenerationTimeout( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache.generating, 1458158690 )[1 rows, 0.016 ms] query number per page:271 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
UPDATE ezdfsfile SET mtime = 1458158696 WHERE name_hash = MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache.generating') AND mtime = 1458158690
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::storeContents( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache.generating' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_storeContents(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache.generating, ..., template-block, misc)::_begin[0 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:272 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_storeContents(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache.generating, ..., template-block, misc)[2 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:273 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
INSERT INTO ezdfsfile (datatype, name, name_trunk, name_hash, scope, size, mtime, expired) VALUES ('misc', 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache.generating', 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache.generating', '619b576bbb83c9f89d753dcd4b772092', 'template-block', 67781, 1458158696, 0)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE datatype=VALUES(datatype), name_trunk='var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache.generating', scope=VALUES(scope), size=VALUES(size), mtime=VALUES(mtime), expired=VALUES(expired)
Notice: cluster::mysql::_storeContents(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache.generating, ..., template-block, misc)::_commit[0 rows, 0.012 ms] query number per page:274 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Debug: dfs::endCacheGeneration( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache' ) <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Ending cache generation
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache )::_begin[0 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:275 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache )[1 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:276 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache.generating') FOR UPDATE
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache )[1 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:277 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache') FOR UPDATE
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
eZClusterFileHandler::cleanupEmptyDirectories( '/ocfsmount/revistas_data/revistas_var/var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache )[1 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:278 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
UPDATE ezdfsfile SET mtime = '1458158696', expired = 0, size = '67781' WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache')
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache )[1 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:279 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
DELETE FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache.generating')
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache )::_commit[0 rows, 0.002 ms] query number per page:280 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Debug: dfs::storeCache( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/5/5/2551604409.cache' ) <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Creating local copy of the file
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/2/5/4251150341.cache' )
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Local file (mtime=1457780825) is older than timestamp () and ttl(86400), check with DB
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/2/5/4251150341.cache)[0.001 ms] query number per page:281 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/2/5/4251150341.cache')

array (
  'datatype' => 'misc',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/2/5/4251150341.cache',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/2/5/4251150341.cache',
  'name_hash' => '4720e7a0209b38fba4c30c215d836b1a',
  'scope' => 'template-block',
  'size' => '1033',
  'mtime' => '1458150374',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Callback from DB file var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/2/5/4251150341.cache
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::fileFetch( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/2/5/4251150341.cache' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/2/5/4251150341.cache)[0.001 ms] query number per page:282 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/2/5/4251150341.cache')

array (
  'datatype' => 'misc',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/2/5/4251150341.cache',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/2/5/4251150341.cache',
  'name_hash' => '4720e7a0209b38fba4c30c215d836b1a',
  'scope' => 'template-block',
  'size' => '1033',
  'mtime' => '1458150374',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/3/8/0/3805626181.cache' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/3/8/0/3805626181.cache)[0.001 ms] query number per page:283 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/3/8/0/3805626181.cache')

array (
  'datatype' => 'misc',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/3/8/0/3805626181.cache',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/3/8/0/3805626181.cache',
  'name_hash' => 'b5083423780adf1f189f97090bab63bd',
  'scope' => 'template-block',
  'size' => '2976',
  'mtime' => '1458151736',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
Processing local cache file var/tiempo/cache/template-block/3/8/0/3805626181.cache
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.118 ms) query number per page:390 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT visits
                    FROM   ezhit WHERE  node_id='4012' AND startdatetimestamp='1458082800'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys                      | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezhit | const | PRIMARY,node_id,startdatetimestamp | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.774 ms) query number per page:391 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
SELECT node_id, startdatetimestamp
                    FROM   ezhit WHERE  node_id='4012' AND startdatetimestamp='1458082800'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys                      | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezhit | const | PRIMARY,node_id,startdatetimestamp | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using index |
Notice: eZMySQLDB[on master]::query(1 rows, 3.974 ms) query number per page:392 Mar 16 2016 21:04:57
UPDATE ezhit SET visits=2 WHERE  node_id='4012' AND startdatetimestamp='1458082800'
Timing: Mar 16 2016 21:04:57

Timing points:

Checkpoint Elapsed Rel. Elapsed Memory Rel. Memory
Module start 'content' 0.0000 sec 0.3783 sec 3,164.6328 KB 4,460.0547 KB
Module end 'content' 0.3783 sec 7.0509 sec 7,624.6875 KB 9,267.2109 KB
End 7.4292 sec   16,891.8984 KB  
Total runtime: 7.4464 sec
Peak memory usage: 41,299.8828 KB

Time accumulators:

 Accumulator  Elapsed  Percent  Count  Average
Load cache 0.0127 sec 0.1469% 15 0.0008 sec
Mysql Total
Mysql_queries 2.6779 sec 31.0345% 392 0.0068 sec
Looping result 0.0642 sec 0.7445% 381 0.0002 sec
MySQL Cluster
DB queries 0.3586 sec 4.1563% 280 0.0013 sec
DFS operations 0.2049 sec 2.3748% 11 0.0186 sec
TS translator
TS init 0.0075 sec 0.0869% 4 0.0019 sec
TS cache load 0.0058 sec 0.0667% 4 0.0014 sec
TS context load 0.0042 sec 0.0491% 4 0.0011 sec
Template Total 7.3246 sec 84.9% 3 2.4415 sec
Template load 0.0120 sec 0.1391% 3 0.0040 sec
Template processing 7.3124 sec 84.7438% 3 2.4375 sec
Template load and register function 0.0002 sec 0.0024% 1 0.0002 sec
state_id_array 0.0210 sec 0.2434% 7 0.0030 sec
state_identifier_array 0.0280 sec 0.3241% 8 0.0035 sec
Cache load 0.0131 sec 0.1524% 43 0.0003 sec
Sytem overhead
Fetch class attribute name 0.0172 sec 0.1988% 10 0.0017 sec
Fetch class attribute can translate value 0.0095 sec 0.1103% 33 0.0003 sec
Instantiating content class attribute 0.0002 sec 0.0024% 11 0.0000 sec
Image XML parsing 1.4301 sec 16.5735% 33 0.0433 sec
String conversion 0.0000 sec 0.0003% 2 0.0000 sec
Total script time: 8.6288 sec

Templates used to render the page:

Usage count Requested template Template Template loaded Edit Override
1 node/view/full.tpl full/articulo.tpl design/tiempo/override/templates/full/articulo.tpl Edit template Override template
5 content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/paragraph.tpl <No override> extension/ezwebin/design/ezwebin/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/paragraph.tpl Edit template Override template
1 content/datatype/view/ezstring.tpl <No override> design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezstring.tpl Edit template Override template
1 content/datatype/view/ezsrrating.tpl <No override> design/tiempo/templates/content/datatype/view/ezsrrating.tpl Edit template Override template
2 content/datatype/view/ezxmltext.tpl <No override> design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltext.tpl Edit template Override template
3 content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/strong.tpl <No override> design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/strong.tpl Edit template Override template
1 pagelayout.tpl <No override> design/tiempo/templates/pagelayout.tpl Edit template Override template
6 content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/embed.tpl <No override> design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/embed.tpl Edit template Override template
6 content/view/embed.tpl embed/image.tpl design/general/override/templates/embed/image.tpl Edit template Override template
6 content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl <No override> design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl Edit template Override template
2 content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/literal.tpl <No override> design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/literal.tpl Edit template Override template
1 setup/debug_toolbar.tpl <No override> design/standard/templates/setup/debug_toolbar.tpl Edit template Override template
 Number of times templates used: 35
 Number of unique templates used: 12
 Time used to render template usage: 0.0005 secs