La infanta Cristina se autorretrata goyesca

15 / 03 / 2016 Jesús Mariñas
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La hermana del Rey cierra filas junto a su marido Iñaki Urdangarin, ambos imputados por el caso Nóos. Durante su declaración aseguró no tener ningún co-nocimiento sobre los negocios de su marido. 

Es paradoja y aviso a navegantes: Isabel Pantoja ya en la calle y Cristina de Borbón en el banquillo. En solo 23 minutos la infanta reiteró ignorancia de cómo mangoneó Iñaki Urdangarin. Aconsejada mejor de lo que parece, Cristina diseñó todo un exculpatorio autorretrato. A ver qué descubrimos en lo que hace años pacientemente viene realizando Antonio López. Hasta la saciedad repitió el “no sé” en la misma estrategia de Leo Messi responsabilizando a su padre: el dinero lo manejaba su marido. Otra cruz para don Juan Carlos, al que ella tanto se parece, sobre todo de espaldas o caminando. Por eso no se entiende y genera tantas críticas su desparramamiento e incontención física al sentarse ante la jueza.

Cristina evitó la rigidez cortesana como en aquellas juveniles madrugadas mallorquinas. Don Juan Carlos y sus hijos eran espejo de deportividad desde su juventud espléndida y relajada. Conformaban admirable grupo de familia al que luego añadieron la apostura atlética de Urdangarin y un Jaime de Marichalar más resignado segundón consorte. Soriano, de piel nada tostada bajo bermudas recién estrenados, soportaba el a veces inclemente acoso bajo un caloret de aquí te espero. Era operación magníficamente montada por los sucesivos jefes de la Casa Real, desde el inolvidable Sabino Fernández Campo a Fernando de Almansa y menos efectiva en el ahora menos fiable Rafael Spottorno.

Aspectos silenciados. Fue runrún incesante o comentario a veces festivo. Las vecindonas no callaron, sacándole punta al caso e incluso revelando aspectos hasta ahora silenciados por respeto, acatamiento y adulación. “Elena conquista y Cristina provoca rechazo” sentenciaron vengando agravios a la labor minadora de esta esposa ciega de amor tal pretendió vendernos.

Mientras, algunos recordaban por proximidad y 35 aniversario sus alegrías en el ahora festejador Joy Eslava, buque insignia de la noche madrileña ni sombra de lo que fue. Pedro Trapote mira hacia atrás sin ira y evoca que fue abierto “contra miedos, viento, resaca y marea el día siguiente al 23-F. Imaginamos con temor que igual vendrían por nosotros. No pasó nada”. Es un boom y no lo venderá a chinos como se había difundido: “Compré el entonces Teatro Eslava” –el de “te espero en Eslava tomando café”– a Luis Escobar, marqués de las Marismas. Le pagué 100.000 pesetas de entonces, un dineral. Luego se arrepintió pero no di marcha atrás”. Eso generó un negocio que ahora gestionan sus hijos de cinco matrimonios. “Pedro, el mayor, lo lleva todo y otro dirige el antiguo Pachá”. Él se alejó de esta pompa social antaño diaria con Carmen Valiño. Ella es insustituible en Loewe, donde el amiguismo la sustituyó por una hija de Marisa de Borbón, tan simbólica de una sociedad reagrupada por los modelazos de Tot-Hom.

Unió esta mezcolanza que sentó a Sisita Milans del Bosch, con Pitita musa de Paco Umbral, con la increíblemente sesentona Ana Belén, además de “resucitar” a Celia Forner, mejor modelo de aquel tiempo tan feliz. Desde sus cincuenta recreados en Londres desde hace 25 años –su mayor, ya 20 años– admiró la inalterada facha de Juncal Rivero. Están igualadas en edad y estilo. Ana Belén retoma en junio recitales con Víctor Manuel, Serrat y Miguel Ríos “porque el gusto es nuestro”. “Supone un gozo trabajar con ellos. Marcho para Bogotá a su festival teatral. Llevo Medea, que me da tantas satisfacciones”. Juvenil, con vaquero ajustándole cinturita rió con Pastora Vega, también de bellezón racial remoreno, que me desmintió cualquier arreglo con Juan Ribó: “Llevamos un año sin ni siquiera hablarnos”. Su morenez compitió con la de Begoña García Vaquero frente a sus rubias hermanas, Carmen y Mar, señora de Felipe González. Concentró curiosidad bajo ceñido traje de ante verde botella con Felipe resucitado por los candidatos tal ejemplo presidencial a imitar. Ya quisieran.

No dejó de recibir ánimos ante la ofensa de Pablo Iglesias hacia el presidente (nunca son ex, respetando lo establecido en Francia y EEUU). “Es que no saben, Mar, hay que perdonarles su inexperiencia juvenil”, disculpaban. “Es relativa porque Pedro Sánchez tiene 43 años y Felipe, mi marido, fue presidente a los 40. En fin, es lo que hay”, observó quizá cabreada, molesta o indignada sin perder compostura. Jugueteó con el enorme pendentif barroco de los que diseña Felipe con ámbar pulido. Competía con el anillo de Begoña, excesivo menos en ella, que es exuberante. Son tres, como las hijas de Elena: rubia la primera, con aire inglés la segunda, y Begoña, bronceadísima.

Llegaba de Punta Cana: “Vimos a Pepe Hidalgo jugando al golf, algo que siempre hace aprovechando los fines de semana. Pasa allí un par de días y vuelve, siempre en trote incesante”. No es lo de una Ana Botella que reposa y no envejece, como los buenos vinos. Rió incansable bajo blanco de lunares negros. “Menuda carga te quitaste de encima”, subrayaron: “Manuela Carmena te hará subir a los altares”, elogiaban criticando al tiempo a la inconstante alcaldesa madrileña; opinaron ante una Mayren Beneyto con enormes perlones en gris dégradé que comparte valenciana mascletá con Rita Barberá.

Contaba el éxito del pianista Lang Lang en su recital valenciano, buen prólogo a la mascletá, petardeo inigualable superado por trifulca oficialista donde Silvia Jato me cuentan que ahora es rechazada profesionalmente por su unión de ya dos años con Albert Fabra.

TVE le ofreció un programa que luego hizo Patricia Gazteñaga. Duró dos semanas pero a Silvia le hacía ilusión ahora que volvió a Madrid tras años en la tele gallega de nuestros dineros y pecados. Su ex la presiona con los niños y prefirió dejar Santiago de Compostela. Fabiola Martínez me cuenta que Bertín Osborne tiene dificultades para continuar su marcha triunfal en el ente: “Tenía que renovar otros 18 capítulos”, que cada semana divierten e impactan batiendo audiencias y solo le ofrecen otros dos amparándose en “no sabemos qué pasará”. Parece falta de criterio programador y por eso Bertín podría irse a otra cadena con el programa más visto de TVE. Inexplicable, razonaban ante Carmen Lomana y una Rossy de Palma abanicándose. Colmó de elogios la nueva película de Pedro Almodóvar.

El regreso de Almodóvar. Vuelve con sus añoradas chicas de siempre recuperando costumbrismo, anticipó ante Manuela Yanes de imponentes zorros turquesas como Ana Rosa Quintana destacando en estampado apanterado. Cary Lapique se realzó en amarillos casi estivales de Jorge Vázquez iluminando así el debut en las pasarelas de su sobrina Almudena. Ofrece una distinción de la que carece Rocío Crusset, creciente hija de Mariló Montero. Sale a la rama incluso de carácter. Ante unos embobados Miriam y Manolo Lapique evidenció más ganas, y estilo que experiencia. Pero demostró capacidad en una primera parte con abundante lino y algodón muy primavera-verano casi ibicencos:

“Es lo que vestimos en Barcelona”, reconoció Marta Mazas ante una Maribel Yébenes de figura epatante. Es la mejor propagandista de unos métodos que reanimaron a Naty Abascal tras su paliza milanesa –“frío, lluvia y hastío, de desfile en desfile”–. Ella sigue fiel a la noche y gala que tanto gustaba a Bibis Samaranch tras fallecer su amigo, celestino y protector Pertegaz. Formó un matrimonio que supo entenderse, es la forma de durar sin romper moldes ni estructuras, señalaron ante la taurina marquesa de la Vega de Anzo.

Augura un renacimiento de la temporada donde Ponce,Manzanares y Morante son ya el principal atractivo junto a un Miguel Ángel Perera que reanuda tras su cogida casi mortal mientras Fran Rivera bisó en Castellón el fiasco de la Monumental mejicana que solo busca olvidar. La temporada promete, llena de más esperanzas que las corridas en el Parlamento, donde muchos magnifican a Albert Rivera como más que promesa ante el asombro de una cáustica Esperanza Aguirre, que me descoloca opinando del “pequeño Fran”: “Es nuestro Juan de Austria, fíjate bien y verás que es igualito que su padre”. No sé qué decirle o apostillar, qué no sabrá ella pendiente de que registren su casa-palacio “a ver si buscando encuentran mis bolas chinas aún sin estrenar” ironiza.

Pero repaso, compruebo y constato. “Por eso el pequeño accedía donde quería”, me asegura la combativa política que no tira la toalla. Y menos ante la que se avecina. El tono conciliador del barcelonés apoyando pactos supone magistral faena tipo las de un Curro Romero homenajeado en la Maestranza en noche irrepetible con Miguel Poveda, Paco Cepero, Matilde Coral y la misma Susana Díaz. Pese a sus tobillos machacados, Curro, con 80, bailó bulerías como las que le cantaba su íntimo Camarón de la Isla. Faenón de quien aún es mejor persona que mataor. Lo certifico. 

Grupo Zeta Nexica

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 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

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     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
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| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
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Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.521 ms) query number per page:3 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT id, name, navigation_part_identifier, locale, identifier
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|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezsection | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.340 ms) query number per page:4 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT remote_id FROM ezcontentobject WHERE id = '107921'

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(4 rows, 5.863 ms) query number per page:5 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
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| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    4 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.641 ms) query number per page:6 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT contentobject_state_id, group_id FROM ezcobj_state_link, ezcobj_state
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| id | select_type | table             | type   | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref                                                     | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcobj_state_link | ref    | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const                                                   |    1 | Using index |
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Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 5.959 ms) query number per page:7 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT l.contentobject_state_id, s.identifier AS state_identifier, g.identifier AS state_group_identifier
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                WHERE l.contentobject_id=107921 AND

| id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys                   | key                           | key_len | ref                                     | rows | Extra                          |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | l     | ref    | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY                       |       4 | const                                   |    1 | Using index                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | g     | index  | PRIMARY                         | ezcobj_state_group_identifier |     137 |                                         |    1 | Using index; Using join buffer |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | s     | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcobj_state_identifier | PRIMARY                       |       4 | revista_tiempo.l.contentobject_state_id |    1 | Using where                    |
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                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 92 AND 
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
             = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.406 ms) query number per page:9 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT id, version, serialized_name_list, serialized_description_list, identifier, contentobject_name, url_alias_name,       creator_id, modifier_id, created, remote_id, modified, is_container, always_available,       language_mask, initial_language_id, sort_field, sort_order
                    FROM   ezcontentclass WHERE  id='50' AND version='0' ORDER BY version ASC
LIMIT 0, 2

| id | select_type | table          | type  | possible_keys                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(3 rows, 3.085 ms) query number per page:10 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                             ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                             ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                             ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                             , as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                           , ezcontentobject_name 
                      WHERE  node_id IN ( 1, 2, 68, 92 ) and 
                            ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                   = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
                             AND  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      ORDER BY path_string

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | range  | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 |                                                                                             |    4 | Using where; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 |                             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.contentclass_id,const                                        |    1 |                             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 |,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                 |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(2 rows, 1.776 ms) query number per page:11 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:68' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    2 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(3 rows, 2.121 ms) query number per page:12 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:68', 'eznode:92' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    3 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.086 ms) query number per page:13 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT name, content_translation
                 FROM ezcontentobject_name
                 WHERE contentobject_id = '107921'
                       AND content_version = '1'
                       AND ( content_translation = 'esl-ES' OR language_id = '2' )

| id | select_type | table                | type | possible_keys                                                                               | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref  | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id,ezcontentobject_name_lang_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.612 ms) query number per page:14 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT name, content_translation
                 FROM ezcontentobject_name
                 WHERE contentobject_id = '107921'
                       AND content_version = '1'
                       AND ( content_translation = 'esl-ES' OR language_id = '2' )

| id | select_type | table                | type | possible_keys                                                                               | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref  | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id,ezcontentobject_name_lang_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(22 rows, 5.384 ms) query number per page:15 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
           = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '107921' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '107921' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |   21 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 2.466 ms) query number per page:16 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT ezkeyword.keyword FROM ezkeyword_attribute_link, ezkeyword
                                    WHERE AND

| id | select_type | table                    | type   | possible_keys                                                                        | key                      | key_len | ref                                                | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezkeyword_attribute_link | ref    | ezkeyword_attr_link_keyword_id,ezkeyword_attr_link_kid_oaid,ezkeyword_attr_link_oaid | ezkeyword_attr_link_oaid |       4 | const                                              |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezkeyword                | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                              | PRIMARY                  |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezkeyword_attribute_link.keyword_id |    1 |       |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/classidentifiers_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/classidentifiers_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php)[0.001 ms] query number per page:7 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/classidentifiers_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php')

array (
  'datatype' => 'php',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/classidentifiers_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/classidentifiers_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php',
  'name_hash' => 'f685b79f8cd497a52a18e38761631c53',
  'scope' => 'classidentifiers',
  'size' => '2107',
  'mtime' => '1458050874',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Processing local cache file var/tiempo/cache/classidentifiers_130ddb5a4463d808f7d249e05d0196a8.php
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.549 ms) query number per page:17 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 107679 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id =  AND
             = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 67 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY  path_string ASC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 |,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 3.447 ms) query number per page:18 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
           = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ( ( ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '107923' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' )  )
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id, ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    1 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                              |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.208 ms) query number per page:19 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
                        count( DISTINCT ezcontentobject_tree.node_id ) as count
                       , ezcontentobject_name 
                  WHERE ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 107681 and
                           ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 54 ) AND
                        ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                        ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id =  AND
               = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                        AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                         AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                                            | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                                    |    1 | Using index |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                                          |    1 | Using where |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                                           |    1 | Using where |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 4.307 ms) query number per page:20 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                      , ezcontentobject_name 
                      ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 107681 and
                      ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                      ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id =  AND
             = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject.contentclass_id  IN  ( 54 ) AND
                       ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                      AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                       AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                 ORDER BY ezcontentobject.published DESC
LIMIT 0, 5

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const  | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | const,const                                                                                 |    1 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 |,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where                     |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.768 ms) query number per page:21 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                     '107921' AND
                      = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.902 ms) query number per page:22 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT id, serialized_name_list, serialized_description_list, version, contentclass_id, identifier, placement,       is_searchable, is_required, can_translate, is_information_collector, data_type_string, data_int1, data_int2,       data_int3, data_int4, data_float1, data_float2, data_float3, data_float4, data_text1,       data_text2, data_text3, data_text4, data_text5, serialized_data_text, category
                    FROM   ezcontentclass_attribute WHERE  id='347' AND version='0'

| id | select_type | table                    | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 4.322 ms) query number per page:23 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT id, serialized_name_list, serialized_description_list, version, contentclass_id, identifier, placement,       is_searchable, is_required, can_translate, is_information_collector, data_type_string, data_int1, data_int2,       data_int3, data_int4, data_float1, data_float2, data_float3, data_float4, data_text1,       data_text2, data_text3, data_text4, data_text5, serialized_data_text, category
                    FROM   ezcontentclass_attribute WHERE  id='581' AND version='0'

| id | select_type | table                    | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.404 ms) query number per page:24 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT contentobject_id, contentobject_attribute_id, rating_average, rating_count
                    FROM   ezstarrating WHERE  contentobject_id='107921' AND contentobject_attribute_id='1081351'

| id | select_type | table        | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezstarrating | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.562 ms) query number per page:25 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
                        count( DISTINCT ezcontentobject_tree.node_id ) as count
                       , ezcontentobject_name 
                  WHERE ezcontentobject_tree.parent_node_id = 107681 and
                        ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                        ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id =  AND
               = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND
                         ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                   ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                        AND ezcontentobject_tree.is_invisible = 0
                         AND ((ezcontentobject.section_id in (1)) OR (ezcontentobject.contentclass_id in (28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 73, 88) AND ezcontentobject.section_id in (3))) 
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                  | key                            | key_len | ref                                                                                         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | ref    | ezcontentobject_tree_co_id,ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id      | ezcontentobject_tree_p_node_id |       4 | const                                                                                       |    1 | Using where |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY                        |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id                                        |    1 | Using where |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY                        |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.contentclass_id,const                                        |    1 | Using index |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY                        |       8 |,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(4 rows, 2.279 ms) query number per page:26 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:68', 'eznode:92', 'eznode:107679' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    4 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 1.916 ms) query number per page:27 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT permitir, url FROM comentarios_permitirmoderar WHERE (url LIKE 'opinion/%') ORDER BY url DESC

| id | select_type | table                       | type  | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | comentarios_permitirmoderar | range | url           | url |     257 |     |    1 | Using where |
Notice: PHP: E_NOTICE Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Undefined index: permitir in /var/www/html/revistas/extension/web/classes/grupoz.php on line 430
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.225 ms) query number per page:28 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT id, serialized_name_list, serialized_description_list, version, contentclass_id, identifier, placement,       is_searchable, is_required, can_translate, is_information_collector, data_type_string, data_int1, data_int2,       data_int3, data_int4, data_float1, data_float2, data_float3, data_float4, data_text1,       data_text2, data_text3, data_text4, data_text5, serialized_data_text, category
                    FROM   ezcontentclass_attribute WHERE  id='352' AND version='0'

| id | select_type | table                    | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 3.807 ms) query number per page:29 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
                        ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list AS class_serialized_name_list,
                        ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                        ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container,
                        ezcontentobject.* , as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                        , ezcontentobject_name 
                        ezcontentclass.version=0 AND
                        ezcontentobject.status=1 AND
                         AND contentclassattribute_id=291  AND ( relation_type & 8 ) <> 0 
                         AND AND
                                                                      ezcontentobject_link.to_contentobject_id=107921 AND
                         AND = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id AND
                                 ezcontentobject.current_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version AND 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

                         ORDER BY ASC

| id | select_type | table                | type   | possible_keys                                                                         | key                | key_len | ref                                                                                                      | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_link | ref    | ezco_link_from,ezco_link_to_co_id                                                     | ezco_link_to_co_id |       4 | const                                                                                                    |    1 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid,ezcontentobject_currentversion,ezcontentobject_status | PRIMARY            |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_link.from_contentobject_id                                                |    1 | Using where                                  |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                                        | PRIMARY            |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.contentclass_id,const                                                     |    1 |                                              |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref    | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id                        | PRIMARY            |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_link.from_contentobject_id,revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject.current_version |    1 | Using where                                  |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.881 ms) query number per page:30 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                     '107922' AND
                      = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(7 rows, 3.417 ms) query number per page:31 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier as identifier FROM
                    ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentobject_version
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND
           = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.contentobject_id = '107922' AND
                    ezcontentobject_version.version = '1' AND
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '107922' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'esl-ES' 
                  ORDER BY
                    ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC,
                    ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code ASC

| id | select_type | table                     | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                    | key                                           | key_len | ref                                                                     | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_version   | ref    | idx_object_version_objver                                                                                                        | idx_object_version_objver                     |       9 | const,const                                                             |    1 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_attribute | ref    | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code,ezcontentobject_attribute_contentobject_id,ezcontentobject_attribute_language_code | ezcontentobject_attribute_co_id_ver_lang_code |      70 | const,const,const                                                       |    7 | Using where                                               |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                                          | PRIMARY                                       |       8 | revista_tiempo.ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id,const |    1 |                                                           |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.749 ms) query number per page:32 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT id, serialized_name_list, serialized_description_list, version, contentclass_id, identifier, placement,       is_searchable, is_required, can_translate, is_information_collector, data_type_string, data_int1, data_int2,       data_int3, data_int4, data_float1, data_float2, data_float3, data_float4, data_text1,       data_text2, data_text3, data_text4, data_text5, serialized_data_text, category
                    FROM   ezcontentclass_attribute WHERE  id='393' AND version='0'

| id | select_type | table                    | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass_attribute | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:8 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca.jpg',
  1 => '1458029944',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:9 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca.jpg',
  'name_hash' => '2f96666226cd7da8963801bc8862b1e3',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '317679',
  'mtime' => '1458029944',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_bloque_articulo.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_bloque_articulo.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_bloque_articulo.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:10 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_bloque_articulo.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_bloque_articulo.jpg',
  1 => '1458050883',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_bloque_articulo.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:11 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_bloque_articulo.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_bloque_articulo.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_bloque_articulo.jpg',
  'name_hash' => 'c56d190f5c70bb0ca4d1fc17e0c47304',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '10582',
  'mtime' => '1458050883',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_detalle_articulo.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_detalle_articulo.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_detalle_articulo.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:12 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_detalle_articulo.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_detalle_articulo.jpg',
  1 => '1458050991',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_detalle_articulo.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:13 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_detalle_articulo.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_detalle_articulo.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_detalle_articulo.jpg',
  'name_hash' => '9d08e8b5378ea8ba34b0dc7e7587d5e1',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '40447',
  'mtime' => '1458050991',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_bloque_imagen_grande2.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_bloque_imagen_grande2.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_bloque_imagen_grande2.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:14 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_bloque_imagen_grande2.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_bloque_imagen_grande2.jpg',
  1 => '1458050921',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_bloque_imagen_grande2.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:15 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_bloque_imagen_grande2.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_bloque_imagen_grande2.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_bloque_imagen_grande2.jpg',
  'name_hash' => 'a8947c1b4d7d396c94549f45056c84ec',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '27338',
  'mtime' => '1458050921',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_listado_articulos.jpg' )
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
dfs::exists( 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_listado_articulos.jpg' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_exists(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_listado_articulos.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:16 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT name, mtime FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_listado_articulos.jpg')

array (
  0 => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_listado_articulos.jpg',
  1 => '1458065814',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_listado_articulos.jpg)[0.001 ms] query number per page:17 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_listado_articulos.jpg')

array (
  'datatype' => 'image/jpeg',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_listado_articulos.jpg',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/storage/images/media/imagenes-y-videos/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca/1081357-1-esl-ES/la-infanta-cristina-se-autorretrata-goyesca_listado_articulos.jpg',
  'name_hash' => '0edabf34dd4d9aa04152f46d9f87e535',
  'scope' => 'image',
  'size' => '14334',
  'mtime' => '1458065814',
  'expired' => '0',
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 1.507 ms) query number per page:33 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT ezkeyword.keyword FROM ezkeyword_attribute_link, ezkeyword
                                    WHERE AND

| id | select_type | table                    | type   | possible_keys                                                                        | key                      | key_len | ref                                                | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezkeyword_attribute_link | ref    | ezkeyword_attr_link_keyword_id,ezkeyword_attr_link_kid_oaid,ezkeyword_attr_link_oaid | ezkeyword_attr_link_oaid |       4 | const                                              |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezkeyword                | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                              | PRIMARY                  |       4 | revista_tiempo.ezkeyword_attribute_link.keyword_id |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(4 rows, 1.824 ms) query number per page:34 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:68', 'eznode:92', 'eznode:107679' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    4 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(4 rows, 1.713 ms) query number per page:35 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:68', 'eznode:92', 'eznode:107679' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    4 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(4 rows, 1.996 ms) query number per page:36 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:68', 'eznode:92', 'eznode:107679' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    4 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(4 rows, 1.745 ms) query number per page:37 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:68', 'eznode:92', 'eznode:107679' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    4 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.782 ms) query number per page:38 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT url,codigo FROM publicidad_codes WHERE tipo = 10 ORDER BY url DESC

| id | select_type | table            | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | publicidad_codes | ref  | tipo          | tipo |       4 | const |    1 | Using where; Using filesort |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(4 rows, 2.027 ms) query number per page:39 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:68', 'eznode:92', 'eznode:107679' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    4 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 1.432 ms) query number per page:40 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT permitir, url FROM comentarios_permitirmoderar WHERE (url LIKE 'opinion/%') ORDER BY url DESC

| id | select_type | table                       | type  | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | comentarios_permitirmoderar | range | url           | url |     257 |     |    1 | Using where |
Notice: PHP: E_NOTICE Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Undefined index: permitir in /var/www/html/revistas/extension/web/classes/grupoz.php on line 430
Error: eZTemplate:ezhttp Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Unknown session variable 'formulario_comentario'
Warning: PHP: E_DEPRECATED Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Function session_unregister() is deprecated in /var/www/html/revistas/extension/borrarSesion/classes/borrarSesion.php on line 6
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(4 rows, 2.850 ms) query number per page:41 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT id, parent, lang_mask, text, action FROM ezurlalias_ml WHERE ( ezurlalias_ml.lang_mask & 3 > 0 ) AND action in ( 'eznode:2', 'eznode:68', 'eznode:92', 'eznode:107679' ) AND is_original = 1 AND is_alias=0

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys                              | key                   | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezurlalias_ml | range | ezurlalias_ml_act_org,ezurlalias_ml_action | ezurlalias_ml_act_org |     102 |     |    4 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.672 ms) query number per page:42 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT l.contentobject_state_id, s.identifier AS state_identifier, g.identifier AS state_group_identifier
                FROM ezcobj_state_link l, ezcobj_state s, ezcobj_state_group g
                WHERE l.contentobject_id=107921 AND

| id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys                   | key                           | key_len | ref                                     | rows | Extra                          |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | l     | ref    | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY                       |       4 | const                                   |    1 | Using index                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | g     | index  | PRIMARY                         | ezcobj_state_group_identifier |     137 |                                         |    1 | Using index; Using join buffer |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | s     | eq_ref | PRIMARY,ezcobj_state_identifier | PRIMARY                       |       4 | revista_tiempo.l.contentobject_state_id |    1 | Using where                    |
Debug: dfs::checkCacheGenerationTimeout( 'var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-5e4d46556b3e1d87d401a04c6401aacd.cache.generating' ) <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Checking cache generation timeout
Notice: cluster::mysql::_checkCacheGenerationTimeout( var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-5e4d46556b3e1d87d401a04c6401aacd.cache.generating, 1458383842 )[1 rows, 0.008 ms] query number per page:18 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
UPDATE ezdfsfile SET mtime = 1458383843 WHERE name_hash = MD5('var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-5e4d46556b3e1d87d401a04c6401aacd.cache.generating') AND mtime = 1458383842
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
dfs::storeContents( 'var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-5e4d46556b3e1d87d401a04c6401aacd.cache.generating' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_storeContents(var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-5e4d46556b3e1d87d401a04c6401aacd.cache.generating, ..., viewcache, misc)::_begin[0 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:19 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Notice: cluster::mysql::_storeContents(var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-5e4d46556b3e1d87d401a04c6401aacd.cache.generating, ..., viewcache, misc)[2 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:20 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
INSERT INTO ezdfsfile (datatype, name, name_trunk, name_hash, scope, size, mtime, expired) VALUES ('misc', 'var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-5e4d46556b3e1d87d401a04c6401aacd.cache.generating', 'var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-', 'e73fa23fd874cf6bc8ad71f478acf722', 'viewcache', 25736, 1458383843, 0)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE datatype=VALUES(datatype), name_trunk='var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-', scope=VALUES(scope), size=VALUES(size), mtime=VALUES(mtime), expired=VALUES(expired)
Notice: cluster::mysql::_storeContents(var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-5e4d46556b3e1d87d401a04c6401aacd.cache.generating, ..., viewcache, misc)::_commit[0 rows, 0.002 ms] query number per page:21 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Debug: dfs::endCacheGeneration( 'var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-5e4d46556b3e1d87d401a04c6401aacd.cache' ) <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Ending cache generation
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-5e4d46556b3e1d87d401a04c6401aacd.cache )::_begin[0 rows, 0.000 ms] query number per page:22 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-5e4d46556b3e1d87d401a04c6401aacd.cache )[1 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:23 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-5e4d46556b3e1d87d401a04c6401aacd.cache.generating') FOR UPDATE
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-5e4d46556b3e1d87d401a04c6401aacd.cache )[0 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:24 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-5e4d46556b3e1d87d401a04c6401aacd.cache') FOR UPDATE
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-5e4d46556b3e1d87d401a04c6401aacd.cache )[1 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:25 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
INSERT INTO ezdfsfile ( datatype, name, name_trunk, name_hash, scope, size, mtime, expired ) VALUES( 'misc', 'var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-5e4d46556b3e1d87d401a04c6401aacd.cache', 'var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-', '3df4d5d554d219747e7e30e67c2908a2', 'viewcache', '25736', '1458383843', '0')
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
eZClusterFileHandler::cleanupEmptyDirectories( '/ocfsmount/revistas_data/revistas_var/var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-5e4d46556b3e1d87d401a04c6401aacd.cache )[1 rows, 0.001 ms] query number per page:26 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
DELETE FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-5e4d46556b3e1d87d401a04c6401aacd.cache.generating')
Notice: cluster::mysql::_endCacheGeneration( var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-5e4d46556b3e1d87d401a04c6401aacd.cache )::_commit[0 rows, 0.002 ms] query number per page:27 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Debug: dfs::storeCache( 'var/tiempo/cache/content/tiempo/1/0/7/6/107679-5e4d46556b3e1d87d401a04c6401aacd.cache' ) <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Creating local copy of the file
Timing: Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Module end 'content'
Debug: ezpI18n::translateText Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Missing translation for message in context: 'kernel/navigationpart' with comment: 'Navigation part'. The untranslated message is: 'eZFind'
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 1.663 ms) query number per page:43 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT url, permiso, padre FROM permisos WHERE url LIKE 'opinion/%' ORDER BY url DESC

| id | select_type | table    | type  | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | permisos | range | url           | url |     767 |     |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.776 ms) query number per page:44 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                       ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as class_serialized_name_list,
                       ezcontentclass.identifier as class_identifier,
                       ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                       , as name,  ezcontentobject_name.real_translation 
                FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
                     , ezcontentobject_name 
                WHERE node_id = 2 AND 
                      ezcontentclass.version=0  AND
             = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
 ezcontentobject.language_mask & 3 > 0 

                       and  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
                                  ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and 
 ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & ezcontentobject.language_mask > 0 AND
     ( (   ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 1 )
   + ( ( ( ezcontentobject.language_mask - ( ezcontentobject.language_mask & ezcontentobject_name.language_id ) ) & 2 ) )
     ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 1 )
   + ( ( ezcontentobject_name.language_id & 2 ) )

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys                                                  | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_tree_co_id                             | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject      | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid                                | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass       | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version                                 | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_name | ref   | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_name_co_id,ezcontentobject_name_cov_id | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using where |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.745 ms) query number per page:45 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT id, section_id, owner_id, contentclass_id, name, published, modified,       current_version, status, remote_id, language_mask, initial_language_id
                    FROM   ezcontentobject WHERE  contentclass_id='15' ORDER BY id ASC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table           | type | possible_keys           | key                     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | ref  | ezcontentobject_classid | ezcontentobject_classid |       4 | const |    1 | Using where |
Warning: ezjscPacker::packFiles Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Could not find: stylesheets/ezflow.css
Warning: ezjscPacker::packFiles Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Could not find: javascript/taptap/jquery.jsmovie.1.4.2.min.js
Warning: ezjscPacker::packFiles Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Could not find: javascript/taptap/adLibrary.min.js
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/2/0/4209172993.cache' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/2/0/4209172993.cache)[0.001 ms] query number per page:28 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/2/0/4209172993.cache')

array (
  'datatype' => 'misc',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/2/0/4209172993.cache',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/2/0/4209172993.cache',
  'name_hash' => '1bb0f8be31024e01e8a9475f27e7f478',
  'scope' => 'template-block',
  'size' => '549',
  'mtime' => '1458315453',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Processing local cache file var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/2/0/4209172993.cache
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 2.667 ms) query number per page:46 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
                               ezcontentclass.serialized_name_list as serialized_name_list,
                               ezcontentclass.identifier as contentclass_identifier,
                               ezcontentclass.is_container as is_container
                     '10' AND
                      = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id AND

| id | select_type | table           | type  | possible_keys                   | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentobject_classid | PRIMARY |       4 | const       |    1 |       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentclass  | const | PRIMARY,ezcontentclass_version  | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/5/6/5/565137246.cache' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/5/6/5/565137246.cache)[0.001 ms] query number per page:29 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/5/6/5/565137246.cache')

array (
  'datatype' => 'misc',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/5/6/5/565137246.cache',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/5/6/5/565137246.cache',
  'name_hash' => '5dd24748f4ab89bb10013a93cbb1c711',
  'scope' => 'template-block',
  'size' => '1637',
  'mtime' => '1458378035',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Processing local cache file var/tiempo/cache/template-block/5/6/5/565137246.cache
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/9/5/295714944.cache' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/9/5/295714944.cache)[0.001 ms] query number per page:30 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/9/5/295714944.cache')

array (
  'datatype' => 'misc',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/9/5/295714944.cache',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/9/5/295714944.cache',
  'name_hash' => 'e422d5cc0f4af8aa4c44171e5ba77be0',
  'scope' => 'template-block',
  'size' => '4006',
  'mtime' => '1458376903',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Processing local cache file var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/9/5/295714944.cache
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/3/9/439501116.cache' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/3/9/439501116.cache)[0.001 ms] query number per page:31 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/3/9/439501116.cache')

array (
  'datatype' => 'misc',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/3/9/439501116.cache',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/3/9/439501116.cache',
  'name_hash' => '8e49376e34c7e752f03b5b4027e028f8',
  'scope' => 'template-block',
  'size' => '1437',
  'mtime' => '1458315453',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Processing local cache file var/tiempo/cache/template-block/4/3/9/439501116.cache
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.317 ms) query number per page:47 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT id, section_id, owner_id, contentclass_id, name, published, modified,       current_version, status, remote_id, language_mask, initial_language_id
                    FROM   ezcontentobject WHERE  contentclass_id='15' ORDER BY id ASC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table           | type | possible_keys           | key                     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | ref  | ezcontentobject_classid | ezcontentobject_classid |       4 | const |    1 | Using where |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/4/2/7/4279511330.cache' )
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.328 ms) query number per page:48 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT modified_subnode FROM ezcontentobject_tree WHERE node_id=2

| id | select_type | table                | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject_tree | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       4 | const |    1 |       |
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/4/2/7/4279511330.cache)[0.001 ms] query number per page:32 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/4/2/7/4279511330.cache')

array (
  'datatype' => 'misc',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/4/2/7/4279511330.cache',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/',
  'name_hash' => '087c9b847a8db78bf1070a904ae54f4e',
  'scope' => 'template-block',
  'size' => '319',
  'mtime' => '1458378035',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Processing local cache file var/tiempo/cache/template-block/subtree/2/cache/4/2/7/4279511330.cache
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.567 ms) query number per page:49 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT id, section_id, owner_id, contentclass_id, name, published, modified,       current_version, status, remote_id, language_mask, initial_language_id
                    FROM   ezcontentobject WHERE  contentclass_id='15' ORDER BY id ASC
LIMIT 0, 1

| id | select_type | table           | type | possible_keys           | key                     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezcontentobject | ref  | ezcontentobject_classid | ezcontentobject_classid |       4 | const |    1 | Using where |
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/1/4/214477857.cache' )
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Local file (mtime=1458379578) is older than timestamp (1458380708) and ttl(1800), check with DB
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/1/4/214477857.cache)[0.001 ms] query number per page:33 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/1/4/214477857.cache')

array (
  'datatype' => 'misc',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/1/4/214477857.cache',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/1/4/214477857.cache',
  'name_hash' => 'd17e58d0ee24761a35ea86729277f4d8',
  'scope' => 'template-block',
  'size' => '66902',
  'mtime' => '1458382937',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Callback from DB file var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/1/4/214477857.cache
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
dfs::fileFetch( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/1/4/214477857.cache' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/1/4/214477857.cache)[0.001 ms] query number per page:34 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/1/4/214477857.cache')

array (
  'datatype' => 'misc',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/1/4/214477857.cache',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/2/1/4/214477857.cache',
  'name_hash' => 'd17e58d0ee24761a35ea86729277f4d8',
  'scope' => 'template-block',
  'size' => '66902',
  'mtime' => '1458382937',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/1/7/7/1774035101.cache' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/1/7/7/1774035101.cache)[0.001 ms] query number per page:35 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/1/7/7/1774035101.cache')

array (
  'datatype' => 'misc',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/1/7/7/1774035101.cache',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/1/7/7/1774035101.cache',
  'name_hash' => '134f56c9ce50355abb65d85728b91e68',
  'scope' => 'template-block',
  'size' => '1033',
  'mtime' => '1458315453',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Processing local cache file var/tiempo/cache/template-block/1/7/7/1774035101.cache
Debug: <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
dfs::ctor( 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/3/8/0/3805626181.cache' )
Notice: cluster::mysql::_fetchMetadata(var/tiempo/cache/template-block/3/8/0/3805626181.cache)[0.001 ms] query number per page:36 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SQL for _selectOneAssoc:
SELECT * FROM ezdfsfile WHERE name_hash=MD5('var/tiempo/cache/template-block/3/8/0/3805626181.cache')

array (
  'datatype' => 'misc',
  'name' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/3/8/0/3805626181.cache',
  'name_trunk' => 'var/tiempo/cache/template-block/3/8/0/3805626181.cache',
  'name_hash' => 'b5083423780adf1f189f97090bab63bd',
  'scope' => 'template-block',
  'size' => '2976',
  'mtime' => '1458382304',
  'expired' => '0',
Debug: eZDFSFileHandler::processCache <kernel-clustering> Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
Processing local cache file var/tiempo/cache/template-block/3/8/0/3805626181.cache
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.644 ms) query number per page:50 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT visits
                    FROM   ezhit WHERE  node_id='107679' AND startdatetimestamp='1458342000'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys                      | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezhit | const | PRIMARY,node_id,startdatetimestamp | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 |       |
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 1.418 ms) query number per page:51 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
SELECT node_id, startdatetimestamp
                    FROM   ezhit WHERE  node_id='107679' AND startdatetimestamp='1458342000'

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys                      | key     | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ezhit | const | PRIMARY,node_id,startdatetimestamp | PRIMARY |       8 | const,const |    1 | Using index |
Notice: eZMySQLDB[on master]::query(1 rows, 2.026 ms) query number per page:52 Mar 19 2016 11:37:23
UPDATE ezhit SET visits=33 WHERE  node_id='107679' AND startdatetimestamp='1458342000'
Timing: Mar 19 2016 11:37:23

Timing points:

Checkpoint Elapsed Rel. Elapsed Memory Rel. Memory
Module start 'content' 0.0000 sec 0.2759 sec 2,662.8125 KB 4,539.3672 KB
Module end 'content' 0.2759 sec 0.0567 sec 7,202.1797 KB 412.9844 KB
End 0.3326 sec   7,615.1641 KB  
Total runtime: 0.3398 sec
Peak memory usage: 10,414.0938 KB

Time accumulators:

 Accumulator  Elapsed  Percent  Count  Average
Load cache 0.0063 sec 1.6784% 15 0.0004 sec
Mysql Total
Mysql_queries 0.1397 sec 37.1726% 52 0.0027 sec
Looping result 0.0006 sec 0.1616% 44 0.0000 sec
MySQL Cluster
DB queries 0.0383 sec 10.1810% 36 0.0011 sec
DFS operations 0.0170 sec 4.5356% 3 0.0057 sec
TS translator
TS init 0.0031 sec 0.8200% 4 0.0008 sec
TS cache load 0.0023 sec 0.6077% 4 0.0006 sec
TS context load 0.0017 sec 0.4613% 4 0.0004 sec
Template Total 0.2479 sec 66.0% 3 0.0826 sec
Template load 0.0057 sec 1.5080% 3 0.0019 sec
Template processing 0.2421 sec 64.4105% 3 0.0807 sec
Template load and register function 0.0001 sec 0.0295% 1 0.0001 sec
state_id_array 0.0018 sec 0.4773% 1 0.0018 sec
state_identifier_array 0.0080 sec 2.1238% 2 0.0040 sec
Cache load 0.0055 sec 1.4548% 108 0.0001 sec
Sytem overhead
Fetch class attribute name 0.0107 sec 2.8553% 3 0.0036 sec
Fetch class attribute can translate value 0.0032 sec 0.8394% 1 0.0032 sec
Instantiating content class attribute 0.0000 sec 0.0093% 4 0.0000 sec
Image XML parsing 0.0119 sec 3.1542% 1 0.0119 sec
String conversion 0.0000 sec 0.0032% 2 0.0000 sec
Total script time: 0.3759 sec

Templates used to render the page:

Usage count Requested template Template Template loaded Edit Override
1 node/view/full.tpl full/articulo.tpl design/tiempo/override/templates/full/articulo.tpl Edit template Override template
1 content/datatype/view/ezstring.tpl <No override> design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezstring.tpl Edit template Override template
1 content/datatype/view/ezsrrating.tpl <No override> design/tiempo/templates/content/datatype/view/ezsrrating.tpl Edit template Override template
1 content/datatype/view/ezxmltext.tpl <No override> design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltext.tpl Edit template Override template
14 content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/paragraph.tpl <No override> extension/ezwebin/design/ezwebin/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/paragraph.tpl Edit template Override template
21 content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/strong.tpl <No override> design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/strong.tpl Edit template Override template
10 content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/emphasize.tpl <No override> design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/emphasize.tpl Edit template Override template
1 pagelayout.tpl <No override> design/tiempo/templates/pagelayout.tpl Edit template Override template
1 setup/debug_toolbar.tpl <No override> design/standard/templates/setup/debug_toolbar.tpl Edit template Override template
 Number of times templates used: 51
 Number of unique templates used: 9
 Time used to render template usage: 0.0003 secs